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"How old are you again?" Jungkook asked, taking a hit from the blunt Vernon rolled earlier.


"Fuck." He groaned.


"Gotta take you to a club with me and the boys." He smiled, eyes half open as he nodded slowly.

"Fake ID." Vernon suggested as he shrugged his shoulders.

I waved my hand at Jungkook for him to keep the rotation going. I took it and inhaled, immediately feeling the rush to my head.

"I'm down." I nodded.

"Have you ever even gotten drunk before?" Jungkook laughed. I guess I painted this picture that I'm some sweet, innocent kid so I keep surprising him. I've lived quite the life already, he has no idea.

"Of course."

"I have a friend that makes them, hold up." Vernon pulled out his phone and started texting away. Since he was busy, I passed back to Jungkook.

"Who?" Jungkook exhaled as he spoke, creating a small cloud of smoke in front of him.


"Oh duh." Jungkook's laughter turned into a coughing fit. "He should come with us. When could he have it done by?"

"End of next week." Vernon guessed.

"Sick." He smiled. "Well, Hyunjin, looks like you'll be one step closer to getting the full college experience." Jungkook has seriously taken me under his wing. I've gone almost all over New York City because he keeps showing me these cool places. He really looks out for me and I appreciate that. "All you'll need next after that is to get laid."

"No." I shook my head, laying down on the ground and staring at the ceiling. "I'm a loyal guy."

"Oh shit, you got a girlfriend back home?" Vernon and Jungkook were practically squealing from the gossip.

"Yeah." I nodded lazily. I am not about to tell two high college kids I'm gay right now. If they haven't figured it out, I won't say anything.

"She hot?" Vernon asked

"She is, yeah."

"Oh! Is that the blonde you keep painting?" Jungkook asked. I practically choked on air and sat up. Felix doesn't look like a woman, how could he think that? "She's cute." He shrugged. "Kinda boyish lowkey."

"Shut the fuck up." I took off my shoe and lazily threw it at his face, missing entirely. Vernon started to laugh at us both.

"What, I said she was cute!" He defended. "What's her name?"

"Lixie." I sighed, coming up with something quick. I pray to god he doesn't ask me for a picture because I don't know what I'll do then.

"See, very cute. How is she handling you being in New York?"

"Fine." I shrugged. Truthfully, I couldn't tell. I'm doing all that I can to make this work. I'm always texting him, I call whenever he's available, I tell him who I'm with. I'm making sure I do every little thing perfectly because I refuse to let us crash and burn after a damn month.

"How long have you been together?"

"Two years."

"Damn!" He was wildly impressed. "I bet it was her idea to stay together."

"It was mutual." I didn't like talking about this, but I figured it'd be best to get the conversation out of the way when we're not fully all there in the heads.

And To Love In Return... (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now