Seek and Destroy

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San's POV:

The plan was to surprise Wooyoung at his house. I was so excited to see him. I knew he was upset because he thought I couldn't make it due to football practice, but I'd never miss his birthday. Yeosang and I were going to hang out with Ms. Jung for a while before everyone came over, but that's impossible now.

"San, are those cops at Wooyoung's house?"

I felt sick. There were about six police cars outside. I couldn't even see what was going on.

"Stay here." I parked as close as I could and ran out towards the scene. "What's going on?" Police officers held me back, but I tried to fight through their hold. "What the fuck is going on?" I screamed, terrified of whatever the outcome is.

"Mommy!" Kyungmin started screaming as police officers held him.

Hyunjin's car wasn't here which means it wasn't him. I'm also assuming Wooyoung is with him too. They should still be at the restaurant. It would have to be Ms. Jung.

"It'll be okay, sweetie." Three officers escorted her out in handcuffs. "San, you're here." She had been crying judging by the mascara running down her cheeks. "Hyunjin's parents." That was the last thing she was able to say before they shoved her in the car.

"Do you know Hwang Hyunjin?" An officer asked me.

"Of course I know him. Can someone tell me what's going on? Whatever you think she did, she didn't. She's innocent, you need to believe me." I begged. I tried to be as polite as possible, but I was panicking.

"Police received a report he'd been abducted and brought here. Would you know anything about that?"

I frantically shook my head. "That's not true." I could barely speak above a whisper, I was in such a state of shock. The officer turned around and got in his car as the rest of the squad drove away.

I fell to my knees once I was alone, staring at the ground.

"San!" Yeosang rushed out of the car and dropped to his knees next to me. "San, what happened?"

"They took mom and Kyungmin." He held me in his arms, but I couldn't move. "I couldn't stop them." I felt like I barely even tried, I was so overwhelmed. "We should've left earlier." I knew there was nothing I really could've done, but I'd like to think I could save everyone. "What do we do?" I panicked. "What the fuck do I do?"

"Come on, stand up." The front door was still open and that sick feeling grew worse once I saw the condition of the house. The police must've raided it. We checked every room to see if they were all torn apart. "San, come here." He was in Hyunjin's room. "Hey, buddy." Yeosang said quietly, trying to get Kkami's attention. "I think they must've kicked him." Yeosang picked up the small dog and started to pet him. I knew he was petrified because he wasn't even barking. What a disaster.

Suddenly I heard cars pull up outside.

"Fuck." I mumbled and sprinted to the driveway.

"Sannie?" Wooyoung exclaimed with the biggest smile on his face. I chose to keep my distance as I held back my tears. "Sannie, you okay?" His excitement turned to concern.

"Hyunjin, come here." I called him over, knowing they need to hear this at the same time.

"What's going on?" Hyunjin seemed uneasy.

"So, um." I rubbed the back of my neck, reluctant to speak. "Hyunjin, I think your parents called the cops on mom."


"Yeosang and I got here and-"

"San, where's my mom?" Wooyoung's chin started to wobble as he held back his own tears. I pushed my hand against my mouth to hide my own emotions. "San, did the cops take my mom?"

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