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Wooyoung's POV:

"Okay, I'm ready." I walked into Mingi's room, but immediately getting slammed in the face with smoke.

"Oh, hello." Mingi practically croaked as he inhaled.

"What's with Yunho's post?" I rested my hands on my hips, unwilling to take part until he answered.

"Giselle followed him so he knew Karina was trying to stalk. He just posted that to piss them off." He smiled.

"God damn it!" I groaned. "Gimme that." I snatched the lit blunt out of his hand and let the smoke fill my lungs. We typically do this if Hyunjin and Felix aren't here so that's why I never complain about them coming later.

"I really don't know what you see." Mingi shrugged. "Plus, Yunho found a girl out there."

I started slamming my fist against my chest, choking dramatically. "He what?" Now it was me that was croaking.

"Yeah, she's pretty I guess." He passed me his phone.

" He passed me his phone

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"Oh, it's over for you." I shook my head. "She's beautiful."

"Yup." He expressively said, taking his phone back. "He's told me all about her." I can sense the rage within him. "I hear all about their wonderful skateboarding dates in the park that end in them watching cute little Disney movies and fucking till the sun rises." The smile on his face could crack a mirror. He's jealous.

"Mingi?" I smirked.

"Yes, Wooyoung?"

"Did Yunho take that picture of her?"

"What the fuck do you think?" A blunt wasn't doing it for him anymore. He grabbed the bong off his dresser, hoping that would be stronger to numb his brain.

"I'm here!" Jisung finally joined. His smile slowly faded once he felt the tension in the room. "What'd I miss?"

"Yunho's new girlfriend." I sighed.

"Not his girlfriend." Mingi corrected, straining his voice as he lifted his pointer finger.

"Fuck buddy," I corrected myself, "who will most likely be his girlfriend."

"Han, come here. I wanna show you a new song." Mingi was most definitely fed up with the topic. Jisung sat next to him and was ready to listen. I'm not necessarily sure how we ended up with two rappers in our group, but at least they have each other. You need to start somewhere, I guess. Ever since Minho bought Jisung all that recording equipment for Christmas last year, he hasn't stopped since. Both of them refuse to let anyone hear a thing except for each other. Maybe one of them will make it. Maybe both, who knows?

"Why can't I hear?" I whined, watching Mingi hand Jisung a pair of headphones.

"Take this." Mingi completely ignored my question and handed me the bong. "Go crazy."

"I'm telling mom you're not being nice." I shook my head playfully.

"Tell Seonghwa that I'm being mean and I'll never share with you again." I did in fact mean Park Seonghwa, not to be mistaken with my real mother.

I scoffed and stayed quiet. I guess if I have to sit here for three minutes in silence, I'll tell Hyunjin my new discovery.

Never doubt me

I'm smarter than you

I was right the whole time

Yunho has a girl

Mingi is jealous

The post was to annoy Karina

I would've thought it was bullshit until the girl

She's gorgeous dude

Like even just by looking at her she seems really cool





Omg I'm sorry I forgot you were sleeping

Stfu you remembered you just didn't care


You got me there

Cannot stand you

Can you bring McDonald's?

Oh you guys are smoking?

What does McDonald's have to do with weed

10 piece?

Yes please

Jisung took off the headphones and nodded seeming impressed. "You always sound really aggressive, I love it."

I hated feeling felt out. I feel like that's been a common occurrence with me lately, especially since San left. It's like my partner in crime disappeared.

I checked my messages hoping I would get a text from him soon, but I knew he was at football practice. It's a lot more intense at a college level so the hours are longer, the routine is more extreme, and the pressure is at an all time high. He's stressed out but he's San, he'll be okay.

"Is anyone else coming over?" I asked, interrupting their conversation.

"Just Hyunjin and Felix later." Mingi said.

Why do I feel lonely when I'm not alone? This is something new for me that I'm not used to. With Minho leaving, Felix and Hyunjin have been inseparable more so than ever. Getting in between them practically puts my life at risk. Jisung still lives with Jeongin so he's occupied. Yeonjun and Yeji broke up and he wants to be left alone. Seonghwa is literally a dance teacher for little kids now so he's busy every hour of the day. Hongjoong goes to community college so he's either doing that or takes up every second of Seonghwa's free time. Mingi's truly all I got, but that's not much considering he's always doing his music thing. We all went from spending every second of the summer together and now we've gone off and begun our own thing.

I don't like feeling like this.

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