I'll Miss You

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Tonight will be my last night in Korea for a few months. I thought Felix would've wanted to go out somewhere as a final date, but he just wanted to stay in bed and cuddle. Being physically separated didn't seem to be an option for him.

"Angel." I whispered, holding his small body close. He nodded as he continued to sniffle. He's practically been inconsolable since he walked into the house. "Look at me." He shook his head and hid further into the empty space between my shoulder and my neck. "Please?" He shook his head again. "But I want to kiss you." He gave my neck a very gentle kiss, making my heart melt. "What, are you not gonna let me kiss you?" I teased.

"No." His voice was faint.

"Why not?"

"Because I'll cry more."

"Have it your way then." I sighed. "I guess you'll just have to wait till November for a kiss then."

"Stop." He whined. I maneuvered his body so he was on top of me.

"Kiss me." I smiled at his unbearably sad face. I smushed his cheeks and copied his pouting lips. "So cute." He continued to whine once he gave up and let me leave small kisses all over his face.

"What if you think Americans are cuter?" He sighed, seemingly unaware that there's no competition. He should know by now that it's a fact: no one is cuter than Lee Felix.

"I won't." I pushed his hair behind his ears so I could get a good look at his beautiful face. "I'll make sure everyone knows that I have the most perfect boyfriend in the world and it doesn't matter where we are because we know we'll always love each other."


"You need to make sure everyone here at home knows that too. I can't have anyone stealing you from me."

"Never." He laid his head down on my chest once I started to rub his back under his shirt. "You're going to call me every day, right?"

"Of course." We figured out every possible time we can call each other. There's about two to three times which is pretty good considering the 13 hour difference.

"I hope your roommate is okay with that. Have you talked to him at all?"

"Nope." I shook my head. "I don't know why they paired me up with a senior."

"Let's hope he's nice, just try and be friends. I'm sure he'll be able to show you around the city too."

"True." I need to make friends while I'm there. It'll be really hard for me to be around new people, but this entire situation is me going outside my comfort zone.

"Do you plan on telling him you're gay?" It's been something I've been debating. I'm very open in Korea about my sexuality. In fact, I don't think I ever would've came out if it weren't for Wooyoung.

"Hyunjin, we've been best friends for two weeks and I need to tell you something."

I couldn't help but laugh at his ridiculous introduction to whatever he was about to say.

I just met Jung Wooyoung in my classes and he's the weirdest person I've ever met. He's very loud and he doesn't stop biting me. I don't think we have anything in common, but all I know is that he makes me laugh.

"I'm ready."

We were on the ground in the bathroom during lunch to avoid the kids that bully Wooyoung. Apparently they've been doing it since the second he moved to Seoul. He hoped they would stop, but it seemed like it only got worse.

"I get bullied for a reason." He sighed. "I just thought I'd tell you sooner than later in case you feel the same way they do and never talk to me again."

And To Love In Return... (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now