Problem Child

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"You don't want to see him, do you?" Wooyoung asked.

We all went out to eat at the same restaurant we did last year for Wooyoung's birthday. This time mom and Kyungmin came with us per Wooyoung's request. Although it was highly unlikely, he was paranoid because of the events that took place last year on this day. I don't blame him for having the thought in his head. I actually forgot that even happened. Typically the more traumatic something is, the more I try to block it out of my mind and psychologically trick myself into thinking it was just a nightmare. It's worked on multiple occasions.

"Absolutely not." I shook my head before shoving food in my mouth, not wanting to elaborate why I had no interest in seeing my ex boyfriend.

"You don't seem to miss him, but that also tells me you really do."

"I don't miss him, I miss what we had."

"Babe, don't bug him with that. I'm sure he doesn't wanna talk about it." San realized what Wooyoung was talking about and tried to stop it for my sake. I really don't mind talking about it, but I appreciate the concern.

"It's okay." I smiled. "I think so many things have happened since then that it's distracted me."

"You think it's gonna hit you eventually?" Wooyoung asked.

"I don't really know." I shrugged. "It's been a month and I'm kinda over it. Maybe I'm just so angry with him that I haven't processed it, I'm not sure."

"I think you're so in shock that you had sex with a girl, it's all you've been able to think about." Jungkook chimed in.

"You think?" He'd know best considering we're together nearly 24/7. He's not wrong though, I have thought about it a lot. I've always known I was gay yet I was able to pull that off. I questioned whether I was bisexual or not too. The answer is no.

"I could be way off, but I feel like that night changed your life." He laughed. "Woo, I can guarantee you you've never seen him like this."

"He got broken up with, cut all his hair off, got unfathomably drunk, fucked a girl in the bathroom, puked on a tree, almost fell in a pile of trash, and cried over McDonald's fries. I know for a solid fact I've never seen him like that."

"You cried over fries?" Seonghwa laughed.

"Hwa, you should not be talking. You cried over Big Hero 6." Hongjoong interjected. Seonghwa looked at him, in disbelief that he was exposed.

"First off, I was under the influence."

"It doesn't matter. You thought Tadashi was Yunho when he was sitting right next to you."

"I remember that, oh my god." Yunho laughed.

"So do I." San shook his head and smiled. "That was for Yeosangie's birthday a couple years back, right?"

"It was." Yeosang nodded.

Jungkook seemed to really enjoy all our stories. We have yet to run out which isn't really surprising. He told me earlier that he wished he grew up with us. I'm really glad everyone likes him as much as they do.

"Yu." I whispered, reaching over to him. "Any news on Minho?"

He sighed and held the bridge of his nose. "He's taking his medication again, but Felix refuses to talk to him."

I heard what Minho said to Felix. I actually felt awful for him. As angry as I am, he didn't deserve that. I don't think anyone does. I do feel partially at fault for it too considering that's what started it. I know the root of it was because of Jisung, but I don't think it's any excuse. But there's a lot of reasons as to why we're not absolutely furious with Minho. The first being that he's bent over backwards for every single person sitting at this table many times. He's never turned his back on us, we can't do that to him. I also personally believe everyone is afraid to abandon anyone after what happened with me. The second reason is Yunho. He's told a few of us what it's been like dealing with Minho in this state. It was practically a full time caretaking job. Hopefully it's changed just a bit now that he's back on his medication.

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