Returning Home

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Felix's POV:

"So what's your plan now?" Minho and I were sitting on the couch waiting for Wooyoung to get back. He just left to go pick up Hyunjin from the airport not that long ago.

Minho shrugged, "finish getting my degree and get a job in the psychology field."

"That's surprising honestly."

"Why is that?"

"I just figured you wanted to leave all that behind." Or maybe because he should be a psychological case study himself.

"Or because you think I have no business being a therapist or a psychiatrist after the shit I just pulled." He smiled, seeing right through me. "That's it, right?" I awkwardly nodded. "I know what I did was unethical, but you need to believe me when I say it did more good than bad."

"Maybe for you." I mumbled.

"If I'm being honest, I thought I was in the clear. You and I weren't speaking, Jisung and I weren't together, Hyunjin was in New York, Seonghwa was with Hongjoong, Yunho still had school. Everyone had something going on so I didn't think it would be a huge deal. Plus, I'm me. I figured everyone would have a little faith."

"I did."

"I believe you, although it's shocking to hear. I just don't get how you don't hate my guts." He shook his head, disappointed in himself for things he's said to me in the past.

"I wasted a couple years doing that, don't worry. I can't believe you thought I was gonna go back to Australia." I smiled. Yunho told me how angry Minho was with himself and that he truly didn't mean it. Back then, I didn't want to believe anyone that was trying to defend what he said. I've dealt with painful family situations before, but at least I knew they didn't care. There was no love in my life back in Australia. So once I finally thought I found that, of course I was going to feel betrayed.

"Shut up." He mumbled and gave me a light shove. "I'll never forgive myself for that."

"It doesn't matter to me anymore." I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. All I cared about was that he was finally home. It would be ridiculous to hold a grudge after all this time.

"I missed you." He admitted. "I wish I could take it all back."

"We all have regrets." I shrugged, allowing the many mistakes I've made run through my mind. "I think we're all at a point where we can't dwell on the past, we just have to move on and forgive."

If I didn't ask for forgiveness from Wooyoung and San, I wouldn't be here in this apartment. If I didn't forgive Minho, he would've stayed in Japan. If I didn't forgive myself, I never would've seen Hyunjin again.

"It would be easier if I had a clearer picture of the future."

"Go see mom and dad first, that's a start." They don't know he's home; actually they don't even know he's alive. I'd probably have to go with him so they don't think there's a ghost at their front door step.

"They'll freak out."

"You can't avoid them forever. Don't let them grieve a death that didn't even happen."

Minho sighed and stressfully ran his fingers through his hair. He knows that's the right thing to do, so the sooner the better.

"Alright, let's go." He stood up and started to walk to the front door. I grabbed my keys and caught up with him outside. Once I started driving, I realized it's been a while for me as well since I've seen our parents. I was so angry with them for losing hope that I couldn't bear to be in the same place as either of them. So this could either be a very awkward reunion or a really great one. "You guys never got rid of my car?" We were parked out front and that's the first thing that caught Minho's eyes.

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