Back in NYC

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Art by @kamimujo

Today was the day. I was going back to New York City and I was dreading it. I spent so much time ignoring the people back home and I realize now it was one of the worst mistakes I had ever made. Living with Wooyoung, San, and Felix felt like a dream. I actually felt happy. I'll miss them all, but if I'm able to graduate, I can be home in less than two months. I'm already counting down the days.

"Just stay safe, okay?" Wooyoung whispered, combing through my freshly dyed black hair. "Please call someone, anyone, if you feel like you're going to have a setback. Hongjoong and Seonghwa have a surprise waiting for you at home because they're so proud of you. There are things to look forward to if you're able to just enjoy life without all the bad stuff. I know you can do it."

I nodded, being on the same page as him. "I'll text you when I land. This jet lag is gonna suck though." I smiled.

"Sleep it off, you'll be alright." He smiled and pulled me in for a hug. "I'm so proud of you, Jinnie." I gave him a light squeeze as we rocked back and forth in front of the terminal. This felt like Deja Vu from all those years ago when I left for New York the first time. "Continue to make me proud."

"I will." I nodded. "Call San over, I need to thank him."

"Yes, you most certainly do." Wooyoung smiled. "What a man." He sighed like a fool in love. "Sannie!" Then he screamed, completely changing his voice.

"Hey." I said once he stood next to Wooyoung. "Leave, this is private." I shooed Wooyoung away.

"Rude." He scoffed playfully, then went to Felix.

"Thank you." I said sincerely. "For everything."

"Of course. I'll always take care of my family."

"Yeah." I smiled, touched by his words. "You book the trip yet?"

"It'll be in July. He took a few days off for my birthday so I guess that's when I'll do it. Happy birthday to me." He smiled.

"Wait, won't I be in rehab by then?"

He shook his head. "You're going at the end of July." I was relieved. If they got engaged while I was away, I'd be devastated.

"Thank god."

"When you get home, Jungkook is picking you up." My eyes widened. I thought I'd be afraid to see him, but I'm actually really excited. I really did miss him. "Then you'll go back to the apartment and the four of you will go out to eat."

"I'm gonna be on one tight leash." I sighed, not necessarily minding, but I knew that was the case. That's the only way this'll work.

"It's for the best." San replied and I agreed. "You excited to go back?" I shook my head. "You wanna stay here?" He smiled.

"Yeah, I can't stand it there."

"Well, hopefully if everything works out, a month is all you'll have left. Do you have a plan?"

I nodded. "I'm barely passing all my classes except the one. But I'm gonna have a sit down with my professor, and tell her the situation, and that I will literally do every single assignment in one night for half credit."

"You always had a good work ethic. Once you start, you can't stop. You'll probably finish everything quick."

"Most likely. If Jungkook is willing to help, that'll be nice."

"He's counting on it." Suddenly I felt two tiny arms wrap around my waist from behind. "I think my time is up." San smiled.

"It is." Felix said.

And To Love In Return... (BOOK 2) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat