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Yunho's POV:

"Min, come on." I wasn't particularly happy with Minho at the moment. "You didn't need to say any of that."

"Except I did." He smiled, seeming rather obnoxious. "I wasn't on Yongbok's side the first time he did all this and I won't be now."

"Yeah, but do you know how bad that sounded? You told him that it's obvious he's not related to you by blood. I think that's the worst thing I've ever heard actually."

"Then how else am I supposed to get it through his fucking head?" He shouted. "You tell me that! That kid is an ungrateful little brat who has the entire world handed to him on a platter and he takes advantage! I'm the one who chose him to be in this god damn family, show me some god damn respect!"

I had to figure out by myself that Minho got rid of all his medication. I found four empty pill bottles in the garbage can the night he had done it. I looked up what each of them were just to know what I should expect. Minho has been a ticking time bomb since I've known him and I had absolutely no idea. But now it's like there's an explosion at least twice a day. I had to email his teachers pretending to be him and ask if online classes were allowed. Luckily they said yes so I've been doing half his work for him. He's completely incapable of doing anything. It's crazy how the leader of our group is actually the most unstable.

"That's a really rotten thing to say." My disappointment was evident. I thought he at least had some remorse for the people he loved the most, but clearly I was wrong. It seems like he's ten times more destructive towards them.

"Like I care." He scoffed. "Felix is a lost cause." It felt different hearing Minho call his brother by his English name, but I knew it wasn't for good reason. "My family would never do something that stupid. We're smart people. Felix was just a regretful addition."

"Minho, that's enough!" I yelled. I couldn't hear any more of this. I'm able to bite my tongue very well, but I have a list of things I'd love to say to him. "You're not thinking."

"And neither are you if you think I'm wrong."

"You're an idiot. I just can't believe how stupid of a person you've become." I don't mean that, I still think Minho is very intelligent. But I can't think of another way to get under his skin so he'll stop saying such terrible things about his brother. Felix breaking up with Hyunjin is upsetting, but that's not anyone's business except their own. Minho has no right to say all that he's said so far over this. I get it, he's completely shattered because of Jisung, but that's no excuse.

"Yeah, like I'm the stupid one." He laughed. "You're literally the textbook definition of a cuck. Your own girlfriend thinks I'm more interesting than you."

"And Jisung doesn't love you." I laughed. I've grown numb to his comments about Tzuyu. He has something to say about it nearly every day, it's exhausting.

"Shut the fuck up!"

"Sensitive?" I pouted, patronizing him. I could tell he wanted to get physical...again. I think we've gotten into a legitimate fight five times now. He's gotten a few shots to the face, but luckily my height gives me an advantage. I haven't figured out how to tame him yet, but I'll get there. Mingi being my best friend has definitely prepared me for stuff like this. I've gotten into more fist fights with that kid than anyone else so this is nothing.

He lunged towards me, but I was pretty quick to push him on his bed and pin him down.

"Get off me!" He struggled, but to no avail.

"Minho." I whispered, trying to be more gentle. I'm hoping all the rage is out of his system now. "I think you just ruined your relationship with your brother, I'm serious."

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