Chapter 1

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Please ignore the rude comments and I am very sorry If I insulted or offended someone but I hope you like the story. I only decided on writing a book because I was curious so please don't leave mean comments I'm really trying.


danielle's POV


"danielle wake up!!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

to start off, my names danielle claire and i am 17 years old. my birthday is on june 26 and i'm currently living with my two amazing parents, haley and michale claire.

after countless years of stress and sadness, it was finally here, senior year.

my stress was in no way involved with the  intellectual side of school but only built up by a well known bully named jack gilinsky ever since my freshman year.

to top it all off, his buddies; cameron and nash, dont mind joining when it comes to torturing others. they were perfect at building up the insults that they called me.

and although they all seemed like jerks, jack johnson wasn't. i don't know if he's really considered a friend since they barely interact with him. 

out of all three, jack gilinsky had to be the worst.


"get up whore" jack yelled.

i fought to get up yet i was met with the coldness from the floor due to my weakness.

finally, I managed to stand up and walk over to the girls bathroom where i came in contact with the horrific site on my body. bruises ran along my arms and legs.

all i wanted was for the pain to go away yet it seemed impossible as ever single part of my body kept shaking uncontrollably.

ready to end it all, i took out my razor.
one cut,
two cuts,
three cuts.....
ten cuts.
i finally managed to put my razor down and wash off the blood that was dripping from my arms. once i finished, i almost ran out the bathroom since i was scared of any other sort of contact.

i miserably failed as i felt the contact of someones fist onto my cheek. i quickly looked up and noticed gilinsky staring from above, smiling. even after that, he hadn't had enough.

End Of Flashback

the memory of waking up after that was absolutely horrifying. i hated the fact that even after all i had endured, i still had to live for the endless amount of torture that awaited me.

after that day, all i wanted to was to die. if it wasn't for my parents interest in seeking help, i probably would've gone through will my original plan towards suicide.

sadly, after two months of the help my parents got me ended, I began cutting again.

present time.

time was now 7:15 and i was done with all my makeup, hair and outfit.

and although everyone judges my appearance, i always went through the struggle of waking up early in order to better myself.

Arranged Marriage To My Bully J.G.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora