Chapter 99

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Jack's POV

I had finally gotten to Nate's and walked in to see everyone gathered around some guy, asking him questions and just conversing.

"Hey Nate,"

"Oh uh Jack, hey," he awkwardly replied.

"Who's that?" I yelled over the crowd so he could hear me.

"Okay, time for Danielle to spend time with her boo," Meghan yelled over everyone.

As I looked around the house, I saw Danielle starring over with Josh in her arms.

She clearly knew I was here and everyone had just noticed me.

"Danielle your friends are amazing!" The guy Daniel said as he walked over to Danielle and hugged her.

I hit of jealousy hit me as he finished placing a kiss on her cheek.

The only thing I could do was stare as everyone froze and noticed what was happening. I wanted to kill him for laying hands on my girl. I began walking over with my fists ready to punch.

"Jack stop!" Andrea yelled.

I stopped and said one last thing before leaving, "fuck you Danielle, you can't even manage to keep your legs fucken closed for a week. I swear, what a slut,".

Sammy ran after me and stopped me right before I got into my car.

"Jack wait man!"

"Why the hell did you invite me over! Were you trying to make a fool out of me, because you did!"

"Jack I didn't know why we were coming to Nate's house in the first place, I'm sorry," he apologized.

"Fuck you and your apology, and tell Danielle to not fuck up another mans life likes she's done to everyone else,"

"Stop being a bitch to her, you moved on with Sophia and she's doing the exact same. Let her be happy with someone else. She's not going to wait around for an asshole like you. And again, I'm sorry but you don't have to be a dick to her," he angrily replied before he went back inside.

I punched the steering wheel before driving out of there.

Danielle's POV

It hurts, it really does hurt. I wanted to run away, with the one person I love but he's the reason I'm here, crying my eyes out.

"Danielle, don't cry," Daniel hugged me. But I couldn't stop because I loved that man but he hates me.

Soon after, josh began crying.

I got up and carried him around as I began to stop crying.

Just after a few minutes of carrying him, he had fallen asleep in my arms.

"I'm going to take him upstairs," I said before walking out of the living room and up the stairs.

His room was the last one to the right. It was beautifully filled with toys but especially animals, he was obsessed with elephants and giraffes.

I placed him inside his crib and sat on the rocking chair that was right beside the crib.

I took my phone out my pocket and contemplated on texting jack and apologizing to him for not letting him know. But why should I be the one to apologize when he was the one that trust me. I tried everything to get him to forgive me for something I didn't do. And now I was going to stupidly apologize, for what? For finally giving myself a chance with someone new, when he was already going to have a family with some girl that had just gotten here.

I'm not going to mess up this time, I wasn't going to apologize. He loved me, only to break me apart and leave me shattered in the dark. Streams of tears ran down my checks as I remembered everything I had just gone through in these past few weeks.

I had lost my child and my father. It's like god left me alone, to die. Even though I still have my mother, I can't talk to her about all my problems. I don't want to kill the only person I have left.

Josh looked so peaceful that it only made me cry more. I adored him.

"Danielle?" Daniel asked as he walked into the room.

I quickly tried wiping away the tears but failed as Daniel had already knelt down and grabbed a hold of my hands.

"Don't cry," he said as he wiped away my tears, just like jack did...

"Look Danielle, I have no idea who that was, but he had absolutely no right to come in here and say those nasty words to you,"

"That was my ex, jack," I cried.

"Seems like he means a lot to you," Daniel said as he looked into my eyes.

"Yeah, I was in love with him. We were expecting a baby boy but he didn't make it," I sobbed.

Daniel instantly hugged, and I was grateful to have met someone like him.

"Let's go home, and you can express all your feelings without having to be felt like you're being judged, because who am I to judge?" He smiled, "and I also got the date for our marriage, march 17."

As did I, a small smile appeared on my lips as I heard Daniel say those words. I nodded my head while I got up.


"Thank you for listening to all of my drama," I smiled at Daniel.

"I'm always here for you," he pulled me closer. We both looked into each other's eyes before we leaned in and shared our first kiss.

After a few seconds we pulled away and smiled at each other, if this was the man I'm spending my future with, then I'm happy.

"We should go to bed now," I suggested as he yawned.

"Yeah, I'll see you in the morning," he smiled as we kissed on last time before we walked into our bedrooms.

Before I got into my bed, I walked out onto my balcony and admired the view.

Flashbacks of jack and I kept on flooding into my head. It hurt me, knowing that he hated me.

Even though he didn't say those exact words, his face expressions and his eyes said it all. He wanted nothing to do with me.

But I'm still here, crying over him.

Sadly, I'm still in madly in love with him.

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