Chapter 100

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Danielle's POV

Two months had almost passed by and we had already successfully planned our whole wedding. A week ago, I had gone to a wedding dress place and picked one out.

And a month ago, Daniel and I began sleeping in the same bed. He would always place his arm around me, making me feel safe. It may seem too soon, but I think I'm close to falling in love with him. Everything about him was perfect.

"Babe, breakfast is ready," Daniel said as he walked towards our table and set down our plates. I took my first bite and awwed at how good it tasted.

"Babe this is amazing," I tried pronouncing as I kept stuffing my mouth with food.

He smiled and kept eating.

Today it was March 7, just a week and a few days away from our wedding. I've been feeling really confused but I know this is the right choice. Daniel is the perfect man. He's nice, he listens, he cooks, honestly there isn't one thing you could name that he doesn't do. He's perfect.

But I'm not sure if he's the one for me.

I'm not sure if this will always be the same. I'm not scared about him changing, I'm more scared about who I will become.

I feel horrible for asking myself this but I can't lie to myself, am I really happy?

"Babe, once you're done, bring your plate over while I finish washing mine," he got up.

I nodded my head as I tried clearing all the bad thoughts away.

I made sure that once I finished, I took my plate over to the sink and went upstairs to get ready. Daniel and I just wanted to go out and explore all the shops that surrounded us.

So I quickly went upstairs and changed into a black lace up jumpsuit, a distressed denim jacket and some knee high boots. After some time on debating, I decided to straighten my hair and add some makeup. Once I was done, I walked back downstairs and met up with Daniel.

"Ready babe?" He asked.

I nodded my head and we walked out with his arm around my waist.

"I was thinking about our future, I think we should go on vacation,". He suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea," I say, with a bummed out tone.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he faced me.

As we waited for the walking sign to turn, he held my face and analyzed it.

"Babe, I can see somethings not right,"

"It's nothing, I just worry about my mom,"

"Well we can always bring her along, it's no problem,"

"Thanks babe," I kissed his lips, "now come on, the walkers sign turned on,"

We quickly ran across the street and onto the little neighborhood of small shops.

"This is beautiful," I awwed at the site in front of us.

The day before the wedding

Today the girls and I were staying at a hotel room, to enjoy my last day as a single lady.

Daniel was going to stay at home while he hung out with some of his friends.

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