Chapter 6

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Jack's POV

One month later

It has been a month already and Danielle has not awaken. Hayley has been deeply depressed so her husband got her help. As for Michael, he spends all his time out at bars, he tells everyone he's fine but he's the complete opposite. My parents took it really bad at first, they would be at Danielle's house consoling Hayley and Michael for over a week after the incident.

And then there's me..... I have been taking it worst than I thought but not as bad as my parents. I really do miss her... I thought to myself. Wait what am I talking about.. I .. I hate her. She made her and my parents deal with all this stress and depression. And I hated her for that.

In school, no one even cared which made me feel a bit bad for her because the reason they all hated her was because of me. Since I was the most popular person at my high school, all I said would be obeyed. I kind of liked it at first but then it gets really annoying like really.

I walked down the stairs and saw my parents eating breakfast.

"Good morning honey," my parents said in unison.

"Good morning," I replied.

I went into the kitchen and served myself some pancakes that my mom had just made and sat down at the table with my parents.

"So Jack....," My mom said.

"What's up," I asked.

" Your father and I are going to meet up with Danielle's parents at the hospital so we could visit her," she replied.

"Okay..," I said.

" Jack, what your mother is trying to say is that if you would like to come with us and visit Danielle" my dad said.

"I would love too," I said with sarcasm in my voice.

"But I have to go to school which for me is more important," I added.

" Jack how dare you say that about your future wife" my mom said with anger and sadness in her voice.

" Why are you even bringing that up mom you know she's not gonna make it!" I replied yelling a bit with much anger in my voice.

It honestly hurt me saying that, I don't know why but it did. But I was not going to show hurt emotions right now because I have to show my mom how bad of an idea getting married to Danielle, if she lives, is.

" Jack your mother and I did not raise you like this, what happened to you!" My father yelled at me as he consoled my mother while she cried in his chest.

"Mom dad I'm sorry that I yelled, but you need to see how bad of and idea this is because to begin with, Danielle and I are to young! Second of all, we won't be able to live life or even give us a chance to find ourselves! Third of all, we don't have jobs and we can't always live off of our parents money! And on top of all of that, we don't love eachother! And isn't love what makes a great pair, couple, or even a family!" I yelled.

"That's it.....," my father said in a low voice.

"What's it" I asked.

"The only reason you don't want to marry Danielle is because your scared of having feelings for her and her not responding to you with the same affection" he said.

If only he knew. I thought to myself. Was he right, these whole 4 years of bullying Danielle, was only to keep myself from not loving her again and not showing my feelings because I was too scared of getting hurt again.

I was shortly knocked out of my senses when I heard my dad calling me.

"Jack are you okay?" My father asked.

" You have no idea how wrong you are, why would you ever say that!!!!" I screamed, my voiced filled with anger and pure sadness making me think about my 8th grade experience.

I ran up to my room to think about what my father said.... Was he right? I asked myself.

After thinking for some hours, I decided that no of course not, my father was not right....or was I just lying to myself. I don't know but even tho, I got ready and went downstairs to find my parents getting everything ready to go to see Danielle. I had decided that I would go and see how I actually felt towards her, I would not hide my emotions but to let them explore and see if my father was truly right.

"What do you want Jack?"my father asked.

"Well I have decided on going" I replied.

"Where?" My father asked surprised as if he didn't know what I was talking about.

"To go see Danielle" I said in a low voice.

"What did you say son?" He asked with sarcasm as if he didn't hear me.

"To go see Danielle" I said a little louder but no too loud to be screaming.I saw my my parents smiling at me.

"Thank god you decided to come with us honey!" My mom said as she came up to me and hugged me.

Minutes later, we got in the car and drove to the hospital. We got there in about five minutes because it wasn't so far from our house. We parked the car and saw Danielle's parents arriving. We walked up to them and said our hello's before entering the hospital. We walked in and went straight to the elevator. A couple seconds after we had arrived to the third floor where Danielle was. Hayley opened the door and walked in without hesitation. I stood there frozen. I don't know but I just couldn't move.

Was I scared to enter and feel emotions toward Danielle? I asked myself.

I finally grew some balls and walked in too see Danielle's small and fragile body laid down on a hospital looking very weak. Nothing could make me change my mind right now........


Hi guys, sorry I haven't updated the story it's just I've been busy dealing with life's gifts that are sometimes horrible. I know that's no excuse and I truly am sorry and I hope you understand. Anyways, hope you like Chapter 6!

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