Chapter 5

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Jack's POV


Today is Saturday and Danielle has still not woken up. Just wake up I thought to myself I'm a very busy man I have many things to do but my parents told me that whatever plans I had I had to cancel them because this was too important.

After about another hour of waiting, the doctor finally came in.

"Are all of you Danielle's family" the doctor asked

Our parents nodded

"Well as some of you may know Danielle had came to the hospital a few days ago. She hurt her head really bad so this has caused her to be in coma. We do not know when she will wake up or if she will wake up. We also took some test and Danielle has an illness that is called bulimia, it is when someone eats a lot of food at once and then throws it up. I'm very sorry " he said and with that he walked out. ( I really don't know a lot so please don't judge my knowledge)

Once the doctor said the news Hayley fell to the floor balling her eyes out. Her husband kneeled down and consoled her while also crying. Both my parents were also crying and I felt kind of sad because half of it was my fault and never wanted for this to come out the way it did. I just wanted her to feel the same way she made me feel when I had feelings for her in 8th grade :


I was about to go up to her but I was too nervous I had not told any of my friends I liked her because they would just laugh at me. I went back in to the bathroom to make sure I looked okay because I really wanted her to go out with me. When I walked out I saw her and Johnson talking which didn't really bother me because they were friends and me and him were really close to each other. I walked over to Danielle and tapped her shoulder

"Hi Danielle" I said while blushing a bit

"Hi Jack" she replied

"Look I've been wanting to tell you that I've had feelings for you for the longest time but I was to scared because I thought you would reject me so here it goes, will you go out with me?" I asked full on blushing

"Actually Jack, Johnson has already asked me out and I really like him. I'm sorry Jack but no." She replied. And with that she left walking towards Johnson and they started walking together holding hands.

I just stood there dumbfounded. I ran into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror and I felt so retarded. That night, I went to bed and cried myself to sleep. That day on I knew I had to make her life horrible and I knew exactly on how to. For Johnson, we never continued talking and I really missed him but when we got to high school we began talking a little more but never became the best friends we used to be and I blame Danielle.

End of flashback

There you go so now you know why I hate Danielle but not as bad as wanting to kill her. I needed some fresh air so I decided on buying some food and going outside to eat.

"Mom is it okay if go get some food because I'm really hungry" I asked

"Yes just please be careful and come back" she replied with sadness in her voice

I went to go buy some food from the hospital and just went outside to relax. While I was eating, my phone was ringing so I picked it up.

*Cameron and Jack's phone call*
C= Cam and J= Jack

C: hey what's up

J: nothing how about you

C: I wanted to call to see if you wanted to go to a party with me it's going to be at Nash's house. There's gonna be a lot of girls if you know what I mean.

J: dude I wish I could but my parents won't let me because..... We have a "family problem" and it's really serious.

C: dude I'm sorry and if you change your mind call me it starts at 8.

J: okay bye

* End of phone call*

I really didn't want to go to the party even though I knew my parents wouldn't let me either.

Arranged Marriage To My Bully J.G.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin