Chapter 16

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Read until you get to the end because I have a question for you!!
It's very important

Danielle's POV

When I walked downstairs I saw.... not only Jack, Cameron, and Nash but there was also all of Jack's other friends with girls.

I instantly felt embarrassed and a little frightened but most of all I felt insecure because they all knew me as some worthless bitch.

I guess I was just standing there staring at everyone because Jack came up and walked with me downstairs not letting go of my hand.

Once we got to where everyone was, Jack introduced me.

"Guys this is Danielle," he announced

Everyone looked confused but waved back. Then everyone started to introduce themselves.

"Hi I'm Bethany, nice too meet you,"

"She's my girlfriend," said Cam

I nodded and moved along as everyone introduced themselves.

I had met Claudia which was Nate's girlfriend, Andrea who is Sammy's girlfriend, Maggie who is Carter's girlfriend, Taylor who is  Nash's girlfriend, Lele who is Taylor's girlfriend, Meghan who is Aaron's girlfriend, Alexa who is Shawn's girlfriend, Vanessa who is Matt's girlfriend, Mahogany who is Carlos girlfriend, and Avery who is Hayes' girlfriend.

When I was almost to the end I saw Jack J. I was confused, mad and sad. I thought him and Jack weren't friends. Why would he be here?

"Hey Danielle," Johnson said

"Hi Jack," I said with a hint of disappointment in my voice

"This is my girlfriend Sierra," he replied

"Hi, it's nice to meet you!" She said with excitement in her voice

"Nice to meet you too!" I replied

I was about to shake her hand when she pulled me in for a hug. I was confused at first but I hugged back.

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable," she said

"No of course not. Thank you, I really needed that," I replied

"Your welcome, I hope we get to know each other more," she said

I smiled at her. She seemed like an amazing person.

"Babe why don't you go talk to the other girls while I catch up with Danielle," Johnson said

"Of course," she replied and with that she walked away

He tugged on my arm a little which pulled me back.

"What do you want!," I said with sadness and anger quickly taking over me.

"Look I'm sorry for what I did, I should've never left you when you needed someone the most. Danielle I'm so sorry! I hope you can learn to forgive me," he replied

Many of you might be confused by now but Johnson and I dated in 8th grade and we ended our relationship in the beginning of freshman year. You might think we hated each other but we actually became best friends until things went downhill. That's when Gilinsky started bullying me. I guess Johnson couldn't take me anymore so he just stopped hanging out and talking to me. I went into depression after losing him and being bullied.

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