Chapter 61

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Bethany's POV

Once we finally cut the cake, we came in contact with one color. That color was.... It was PINK!!

In that moment, pink balloons fell on top of Cameron and I.

He instantly looked at me and hugged me so tight.

We pulled away and kissed.

"We're having two beautiful baby girls!!" I yelled.

Cameron picked me up and twirled me around.

I began crying.

"We're having two beautiful baby girls," Cameron whispered as he came into realization.

"I'm having two beautiful girls with the love of my life!" Cameron yelled.

We all laughed and hugged everyone.

"Who wants some cake!!!" Danielle yelled.

Everyone screamed back and we began serving everyone.

Later in the night

Amanda's POV.

As the day went by, it only got harder for me. Not being able to be next to Christian killed me, not being able to make him happy kills me.

It was starting to get pretty late and we were still all outside circling around a fire. It was honestly freezing but Danielle had brought us blankets.

"I think it's time for me to go," Christian announced as he got up and and said goodbye to everyone except me.

I've had about enough of his fucken behavior.

I quickly walked inside the house as he had some conversation.

I looked through the window and began crying as I saw him walk out without even saying bye.

I get it, I hurt him, real bad may I say, but he's not the only one that's hurting and if he would just stop being so stubborn and let me explain, then hopefully he would understand.

I suddenly got a burst of confidence as I walked toward the door and opened it.

I marched out the door and towards Christian before screaming his name.


He immediately looked back.

"What do you want Amanda,"

"If you would just let me explain this would all be solved," I began,"just please let me exp-".

"There's nothing for you to explain, you've done enough damage to me!" He yelled back.

I instantly got scared at his sudden urge of anger.


"No Amanda just leave me alone," he said as he began walking away.

I ran towards him and got a hold of his arm.


"Stop!" He yelled as he pulled his arm from me.

"Look ill I've been trying to do is just explain and say sorry while you've been acting like a complete asshole. Don't you know that I'm also dealing with a heartbreak!"

"Stop talking shit! You haven't gone through shit. You don't know how it feels like for people to be constantly sending you your girlfriends almost naked photos. I've been made fun of and on top of all that I've been dealing with this shit of a heartbreak!"

I stood there, stunned.

By now everyone was out by the gate, hearing everything we had just yelled at each other.

I looked down, embarrassed.

"I didn't know they were doing that to you," I whispered shyly.

"Because you don't know anything!" He yelled before he got into his car and slammed the door. He immediately turned on his car and backed out of the driveway.

Everyone looked at the scene we had just caused but I now was on the floor balling my eyes out.

"Amanda, I'm so sorry," Danielle said as she ran over to me and kneeled down to comfort me.

"He's just acting up. I'm sorry for him," she said.

I gave her my best fake smile before struggling to get up.

"Bethany, Cameron, I'm sorry I've ruined your party. I hope you can forgive me," I said before running out to my car and speeding off.

Lele's POV

He managed to do it again, break my best friends heart even worst.

I've had about enough of him.

Once it was getting late and most people had left, Taylor had dropped me off at my house. I waited for him to leave before getting my keys and turning on my cars ignition.

Once it heated up, I pulled out of my house and made my way towards Christian.

A few minutes later

I had finally arrived in front of a humongous house but only spotted one light on.

I quickly knocked on the door to be greeted by the one and the only Christian.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Well hello to you too," I said before walking inside his house.

"Look I'm here to talk to you about Amanda," I added.

"Look I don't care anymore, she can do whatever she wants,"

"Okay you know what, your being such a fucken asshole I don't even know why Amanda is still trying to apologize when a person like you just plainly doesn't deserve it. You've been judging and innocent person. If you would just let Amanda explain, you'd know how much she has gone through and she's still here dealing with your crap!" I yelled at him.

"Oh yeah, so tell me, what has she been trying to explain to me,"

"She was abused by her boyfriend, taken advantage of. Those photos are the result. She was threatened. They either took those photos or spread to the whole world that her father had cheated on her mom with some slut. Amanda being the good person she is,  decided on letting him take those photos because she didn't want her fathers reputation to be destroyed. As I said, they only told her about taking them, they never said anything about posting them. And you know what happened when they did post them? Everyone at school made fun of her, she lost all her friends. That's when her parents decided to switch her school. That's when I met her."

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