Chapter 66

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Danielle's POV

Once I looked down, I came in contact with.....blood.

"Bethany, you're bleeding!" I yelled as I freaked out.

Bethany screamed super loud before fainting on the couch.

Almost immediately, the guys ran in from downstairs freaking out.

"Call an ambulance!!!" I yelled as I hugged Bethany.

Cameron ran in and picked her up.

"I have to take her, they'll be here to late!!" Cameron yelled as he cried.

He ran to his car while I ran up to their room and grabbed both of the baby bags they had prepared.

Cameron's POV

"Ma'am please, someone has to help me!!! My wife's bleeding and she's barely 6-7 months pregnant!"

The nurses brought over a bed where I laid her down.

"You need to fill these out as we get her inside," the nurse said as they took Bethany away from me.

I quickly signed my name and hers before filling everything else out.

"Please tell me she'll be okay!!" I yelled as I cried.

"Please!" I said once more before falling onto my knees.

"She's all I have," I said lowly.

"Bro, it's okay, she'll be okay," Jack said as he hugged me.

I looked over to his right and saw Danielle standing there. I got out of Jack's embrace before running to Danielle.

"I miss her so much, I swear to god, if anything bad happens, I will kill myself! I can't live with myself without her! I need her! Fuck! I didn't even get to say I loved her or even propose to her!"

All of our friends were now here, watching me brake down.

20 minutes later

"Mr. Dallas!" A nurse yelled as they ran over to us.

I instantly shot up.


"She's going to give birth!"

"Oh my god, how is she?!? Wait but she's only 6 months pregnant!"

"We know, but it's now or never sir,"

"No!! This can't be please!"

"Sir we have to!"

I ignored her comments and ran into her room only to see Bethany on the bed freaking out.

"It's okay, everything will be okay," I said as I grabbed her hand and kissed her.

"Okay we are about to start!" The doctor yelled.

"Ready?" The nurse asked.

We both nodded our heads and Bethany began pushing.

"Okay common, just a few more pushes!"

"Baby squeeze my hand," I said and she did. 

"Babe it hurts so much!" She yelled crying. 

This sight of her in pain, killed me inside.

"Cameron, I just want you to know that I love you, and if I don't make it, please take care of our princesses,"

"No baby, you'll make it, you have to please!"

"We have one girl, one more to go!"

"Please Cameron," she whispered.

"Of course," I said.

"Gives us one big push, common!"

"I love you with all my heart Bethany Noel Mota!"

"And I love you Cameron Alexander Dallas!"

Bethany did as told and gave birth to another little girl.

Both my baby girls are alive.

"I love you so much, we did it!" I yelled as I kissed her.

"I-I love yo-" that's all she said before the line went dead.


"No no please, Bethany!!!"


"Your going to have to leave son!" The nurse yelled.

"No please!!!!"

"Sir please"

I fell to my knees as they shut the door on me.

This can't happen to me, I might loose the love of my life.

"No, why me!" I yelled as I punched the wall.

"Why God, wh-why!" I sobbed.

"Cameron, your okay, your okay,"

I turned around and noticed Danielle. I instantly hugged her and let myself bawl my eyes out.

An hour later.

Time has passed by slowly but no one seemed to come out to tell me everything was perfectly fine.

"Mr Dallas," a man said with a straight voice.

"Yes, that's me,"

"You'll have to see for yourself," he said.

I got up and walked behind him with roses that I had bought Bethany.

As we got closer to her room, my heart kept beating faster and faster.
He finally pushed a door open and led me inside.

As I looked around the room, I noticed.......

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