Chapter 21

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Thanksgiving Day

Danielle's POV

It was 8 o'clock in the morning and Jack and I were already up making dinner for tonight. We got up from bed and washed our teeth and put on our pajamas.

We headed downstairs to the kitchen to make ourselves some pancakes and after 45 minutes we had finished eating our breakfast.

Right away, Jack and I began cooking everything because tonight was going to be perfect. I wanted to show our parents that we had grown up and became responsible adults.

It was already 4 o'clock and we had invited our parents over at 6 o'clock. We had already finished making the food and we also decorated the dining room with thanksgiving decorations that we had bought yesterday.

Jack and I only had an hour and a half to get ready so we went upstairs and we both quickly took showers. When I got out, I went and brushed my teeth, blow dried my hair, and I finally curled it and decided to braid it. When I finished, I went into my walk in closet and looked threw my clothes to see what I should wear for tonight.

20 minutes had passed and I had finally put an outfit together. I didn't have to look fancy for tonight, I mean it's thanksgiving so I decided to wear something cute.

 I didn't have to look fancy for tonight, I mean it's thanksgiving so I decided to wear something cute

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After I was done, I went to go check my phone to see what time it was, and it read 5:47. I didn't know I took that long.

Anyways, I went downstairs and saw Jack sitting on the couch watching....... The Vampire Diaries.

"Jack what are you doing," I said.

When he heard my voice, he instantly jumped from his seat, scared that I had caught him in the act.

"Umm nothing," he said as he searched for the controller of the tv.

I just began laughing because of how cute he was trying to hide that he actually liked the show.

"Jack I know you're watching The Vampire Diaries, it's ok, " I said as I giggled.

He stood up and walked over to me.

"Babe you're giggle is so cute and you look amazing. I love you Danielle, how did I get so lucky," he said

"You're not the only lucky one because I got you. And you're the best thing that ever happened in my life." I said as he pulled me in for hug.

While we were hugging, we heard the doorbell ring and Jack and I walked over to it and opened it and saw our parents.

"Oh my god, I missed all of you," I said as I began hugging everyone.

"Come in!" Jack and I said with excitement.

Everyone walked in and we all headed towards the dining room. I sat next to Jack and our parents sat next to us.

We all began talking and we got asked a few questions about the wedding. It finally got to part where we all said why we were thankful.

Jack went up first: "I just want to thank everyone that is present here at this table because with out you, Danielle and I would've never been together. Thank you mom and dad for arranging this marriage. Thank you Mr. And Mrs. Claire for having such a beautiful daughter. And finally,  I want to thank you Danielle for finally making me feel complete, I don't know what I would do without you.

He gave me his hand for me to stand up and I kindly accepted. When I got up, he pulled me in for a hug and when pulled back he crashed his lips against mine.

When he was done, I went up.

Like Jack said, I want to thank everyone who is here with us because without you Jack and I would've never ended up together. I want to thank my parents for always being there for me when I needed someone and for always pushing me to do more. I would've never become the person I am today without you guys. And thank you Mrs. and Mr. Gilinsky for raising such a gentleman. Jack I want to thank you for not only showing me how it feels to be loved but for making me finally feeling confident about myself. Thank you for sharing your amazing friends with me. I see myself with you for the rest of my life. I love you.

I sat down and kissed Jack.

Everyone had gone up except my dad. When Mr. Gilinsky finished my dad stood up and waited for a second to think it out.

Michael's POV

I stood but just stood there as I planed out how I was going to say my speech. After about a few seconds I finally thought it out.

As my family may know, thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, right after Christmas. It's one of my favorites because I get to tell everyone that I care about something that I greatly appreciate about them. I want to start off with David and Katherine. I want to thank you two for not only being our friends but because without you two I would've never met my wife that I love, and that gave me a beautiful daughter. Hayley, you and Danielle are the best thing that ever happened to me. Hayley you helped me through everything. You showed me what love was when I thought it wasn't real. You gave me my happiness back when I thought it was impossible. Even though we may not have all the time we want, we know that we love each other. Danielle I'm so happy how far you've come. You're finally happy next to Jack. I can see that you really do love him and that he loves you the exact same way. The only thing I want in life is for you and you're mother to be happy. And you finally are. Jack thank you so much for showing so much love towards my daughter. She's finally happy and I can see that, now that she is with you everyday of her life. We are all truly blessed by God with such amazing people. Thanks to everyone that is joined here together.

8 o'clock

Danielle's POV

Everyone had finished eating and know they were ready to leave. And when they did, Jack and I cleaned up a bit before going upstairs and changing into something for tonight since we were going out to a club to party.

I was excited but I was also nervous

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