Chapter 20

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The day before Thanksgiving

Michael's POV

Today was the day, the day I found out if would live or die in a matter of time. No one knew about me having cancer and I wanted it to stay that way.

So today I told my wife that I had to go to the doctors for my physical that I have each year,and of course she believed me. Don't get me wrong, I hate lying to her but it's for the best.

Right now, I was on my way to the doctors which was only 10 minutes away from our house.

When I arrived, I got out and made my way towards the entrance. Then, I walked towards the lady at the front desk and gave her my information.

"Great, Mr. Sandoval will be out in a minute," the front desk lady said.

"Thank you," I replied.

I made my way to the chairs and took a seat while I waited for my doctor, Mr. Sandoval, to come for me.

It didn't take long for him to come and and take me inside the room.

"How have you been lately?" He asked

"I've been okay but I do get some pain," I answered

We just kept on talking about the pain that I got until the moment finally came.

"Michael, you're test came back and we checked multiple times....," he said

"Please just tell me Doctor," I replied knowing what was coming.

"The test came back positive..," he said

When I heard that, I just sat there not knowing how to respond to him.

How could this happen?

I finally spoke up,"And is it bad Doctor?" I asked.

"You have cancer in your lungs," he replied.

"So how much time do you think I'll live?" I asked. The answer to this question honestly scared me but I just had to ask.

"As we can see, not much. An estimate of about a year or less, I'm very sorry," he said.
(I don't know anything about this so please don't be rude.)

The only thing I can think about was my family, how will I tell them.

What if I just don't tell them.

I honestly thought I had more time but I don't.

What if I don't get to meet my grandchildren?

That thought terrified me. Leaving my wife and daughter terrified me.

After my appointment, I went back to my car and drove to a place that I went to when I needed to think.

45 minutes later

I had finally arrived to the lake that lived in back of my parents home. No one knew about it because it was hidden by trees.

I knew my wife would be worried by now so I sent her a text message.

To Hayley
From Michael
Hi honey I don't want you to get worried so that's why I'm sending you this message letting you know that I just went to take care of some errands. Don't wait up for me if you want to go out. I'll be home in a bit.

I sent it and seconds later I received a reply.

From Hayley
Thank god you sent me something I was starting to get worried and don't worry take your time don't hurry, I'll wait for you. I love you, be safe.

When I read I just began balling my eyes out because I knew that I wouldn't have all the time that I wanted with her. I wouldn't come home after a long day of work only to see that food had already been served and my beautiful wife waiting for me with open arms ready to give me a hug and a kiss.

But that wasn't the only thing that I had to worry about because I also have my beautiful daughter, Danielle.

I just let all the tears go as I imagined her and her mother crying because of my death and that honestly killed me. The only thing I wanted for them was to be happy.

I remembered all the memories we had like her first words which were mommy and dada. To the first time she got sick which terrified Hayley and I but we got over that problem. And now we were all here happy and healthy...well except me but that didn't matter to me because all I wanted was for my family to be happy.

At home

After spending another half an hour at the lake, I decided to come home. I was with my wife and we were on the couch watching a movie. I wished it would always be this way.

Danielle's POV

Right now, Jack and I were at the mall shopping for some new clothes for tomorrow. Speaking about tomorrow, our parents are coming over and we are going to have dinner together and after that, when they leave, our friends are coming over and we are going to party the night away.

After we left the mall, we went to a small shop to get decorations for tomorrow night.

While we were there, I called my dad to ask him how it had went with his doctor appointment. He said everything went perfect which relieved me. I love my dad, I would honestly be heartbroken if anything ever happened to him.

_________________________________________________________________________________Will she find out? Or will her dad keep it a secret from her and her mother?

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