Save Me ( Luke Hemmings love story)

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Hi this is my first story hope you enjoy it :)


  I'm sitting at my desk in my room doing homework.


 "Alexia dinner is ready!" Mom yells.

"Coming, Mom!"

 I head downstairs to eat then the phone rings. I walk over to answer: "Hello... Hello?" I hung up the phone up. Stupid prank calls.

  I make my way back to the dinner table. I scarfed my food down.Then all of a sudden my brother Ashton, came in! Yes, my brother is Ashton Irwin from 5 Seconds of summer. It's cool to have a brother that is in a famous band, but I miss him while he's out in tour. I jumped up from my seat and grabbed him in a bear hug.

 "Ash, I missed you so much!" I cried.

 "I missed you too, Alex," he smiled.

  I went back to the dinner table and discussed my grades, and how I'm learning to play the drums. I'm constantly told about how good I am at them. I guess it's a family thing.

  I heard a knock at the door and I ran to the door. I opened it up to see Michael, Luke and Calum!

 "Boys!" I ran and hugged them.

 "Hey Bestie!" Luke said before all of them doggy piled on me.

 "GET OFF ME!" I screamed, laughing.

 They laughed and climbed off me. "I missed you guys so much! Especially Lukey bear," I winked at Luke.

 "What about me?!" Ashton whined.

 I laughed and said, "Sorry, but I got to get to bed. Night guys!" I gave them all a hug, then turned and went up the stairs to take a shower. Walking into my bedroom, I grab some P.J.'s and go into my bathroom. I stripped and turned to the mirror. I looked at my body and all of my hideous scars on my arms and stomach. I giave a small sigh and got into the shower.

I do a quick wash and rinse and jump out without giving me a chance relax and completely enjoy the  warm water. Quickly pulling on my pajamas, I walk back into my bedroom and collapse on to my bed.

"Another nightmare at school tomorrow" I sighed and start to tear up. I get bullied 24/7 in school, so before I knew it I started cutting myself to take the pain away. I know it's a bad habit,  but i can't help it my one support system is on the road all the time ,but I'm proud because I stayed clean for a week  until  I got on twitter.

@ashtonismine: omg @Alexiaisamazing your suck u slut you should go back to cutting no one loves you fat ass pig slut!

 The pent up tears I had were finally released and I started sobbing.

 I needed to feel relieved so, I stumbled to the bathroom and locked the door. I threw the cabinet doors open and my fingers searched for the one thing I truly needed right now. My razor. My hand brushed over it and I quickly yanked it out I pushed it to my wrist and slowly  sliced my skin open, the stinging pain bringing nothing but relief.

  I washed off the blood and silently walked back into my bedroom. I threw myself upon my bed and curled up into a ball. I sniffled, and before I knew it I was crying myself to sleep.

Here we go again.

A/N I hope you like it don't judge it’s my first story vote and comment :)

  Love you all <3 xoxo

  P.S that is Alexia on the side

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