Osaka's Dark Secret...

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-Osaka's Pov-

I was on the rooftop all by myself in the morning. Taro was pretty much in his same spot at the fountain.


I can't stop thinking about you.

Damnit! Why should I be thinking about him anyway!

He's a DUMMY!

That's all he is!

But...he's also so adorable...the way he looks at me with that cute smile.

I can't even stand to be away from him.

I hate to admit it but I always liked him since we were kids.

But overtime I made it look like I hate him for no apparent reason to hide my true feelings for him...

Oh for the love of pete Taro!

Why won't you notice me?!



Suddenly I heard my phone ring.

I wonder who that could be. But there were a few boys on the rooftop so I ran to the nearest bathroom.

When I was alone I then answered the call.

Me: Hello...? Ugh! I told you to stop calling me, you creep. Like I said, I'm NOT interested. If you keep this up, I'll call the cops! ...what? No! Leave him out of this! ...look, I don't care what you say to me, but don't you DARE do anything to HIM! I swear, If I see you anywhere near him, I'll kick your ass! Now, for the last time, stop calling me! ...ugh...why did something like this have to happen...

I can't believe it!! Why did HE have to call me right now?!! I refuse to let him anywhere near Taro...

He shouldn't know...

I'm doing this to protect him...

Senpai shouldn't know...if he finds out...

Ugh...Why does this have to happen to me?

-Ayato's Pov-

I stalked Osaka for a while plotting someway to kill him. But then I heard his phone rang and ran downstairs. I secretly followed him to the boy's bathroom to hear some interesting info.

After learning this new info. If I put two and two together. It seems that he got a harassment call from a shady character. But the questions are from whom and what do he/she want with Senpai? What else can I learn from you Osaka Najimi...?

Heh heh heh.

I could even use these secrets to turn it aganist you...

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