Midori x Flame Demon PT.2

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-Third's Pov-

Midori: Flame Demon! Flame Demon! Who were you before you were a demon?

The school boy had manage to take the Flame Demon to the park. To be honest, the Flame Demon was having a good time with the mortal despite answering the boy's stupid questions.

Flame Demon: The year that I first drew breath was 1431. I was born into a wealthy family. I enjoyed a life of privilege and luxury. Local peasants, unsatisfied with their lot in life, grew envious of my family's wealth. Eventually, their envy turned to rage. One day, a mob of peasants marched into my family's manor, intent on stealing our valuables. My mother and father attempted to resist, but they were no match for dozens of armed peasants.

Midori's eyes widened...He could only muster and think of what a terrible life that the Flame Demon once had.

Flame Demon: The peasants beat my parents savagely. When my mother and father were at the brink of death, the peasants burned them alive. Afterwards, the peasants raided the manor, taking everything of value. When they were finished, they burned the manor to the ground. I hid during the peasant's assault, and so I escaped without injury. However, I witnessed my parents beaten and burned to death.

The young high school student looked at him with sympathy.

Midori: I'm so sorry.

Flame Demon: For what?

Midori: For what you had to go through...it's so sad.

Flame Demon: Hmph. Well, I was able to obtain my revenge in the end. My desire to take vengeance on the peasants was so strong that I performed a demonic ritual to commune with a demon. The demon took an interest in me. We struck a deal, and I performed a sacrifice, the demon granted me the power to control fire.


Flame Demon: I was reborn into the form that you see before you. I took my vengeance. The peasants experienced everything that they subjected my parents to...and more. I had become a being that was no longer welcome in the human world. And so, once my vengeance was complete, I left the human world for the demon realm.

Midori smiled before asking the dumbest and childish question.

Midori: Flame Demon! Flame Demon! Where do demons come from?

The flame demon rubbed his face as he stares at the green-haired boy.

Flame Demon: You truly are an ignorant human...to think that you made it this far without knowing such a thing...

Midori: At least I can learn from a cool demon like you.

Flame Demon: H-Huh?! I-I mean...Yes! You are given a great privilege to learn from a demon like me.

Midori: (Hehe, playing up on his pride. Great strategy. Go me!)

Flame Demon: A demon is a human that has discarded their humanity in exchange for great power. A very specific set of circumstances are required in order for a human to become a demon.

Midori: (Oh...)

Flame Demon: First, a human must somehow commune with a demon. The human must express their desire to forsake humanity and embrace demonhood. If the demon decided that the human is worthy, the demon will offer a deal. The human must perform a great sacrifice. After the sacrifice has been performed, the demon will grant the human the power that they desire. It's extremely uncommon for a demon to judge a human to be worthy of demonhood.

Midori: How come I only saw three demons when I entered the demon realm?

Flame Demon: There were actually dozens of other demons present, but only three chose to make themselves visible to you.

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