Get Rekt Osaka!

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-Third's Pov-

Today was wednesday as Senpai and Osaka were walking to school together.

Osaka: Good job coming early today this time. At least try to make it on time everday. D-Dummy!

Senpai: Yeah. I'll try.

Both boys made it to the school gate with the other students as their friendly but strict gym teacher Kyoushi Taiso greet them all watching them in his spot.

Kyoushi: Good morning everyone. Have a nice day.

Male Students: Hai (Yes)!!

Taro and Osaka went up to their lockers and grabbed their school shoes then put them on. After that, they put their casual shoes in the lockers.

They were about to leave to go to class but Osaka wasn't moving. Instead he was now near the door thinking. Senpai walked over to him to see that Osaka seemed troubled.

Senpai: Osaka?

When the orange-haired boy did not respond, it causes Taro to worry.

Senpai: Osaka?

The boy finally look at Senpai like he had something to say.

Osaka: Senpai...Taro...I-I...I lo-?!

Suddenly, Osaka was all wet as mess of water splash on him out of nowhere.

Osaka: KYAAA!

Osaka screeched like a girl when he got splashed.

Senpai: What the?!

Osaka: D-Did someone really just splash water on me?! Why would someone do this?!!

Senpai looked up from the balcony on the rooftop.

No one was there. But someone probably dropped the bucket of water by accident and probably didn't notice Osaka.

Osaka: I can't go to the class like this! I better go change!

Osaka ran off leaving Senpai in confusion.


On the rooftop, Yandere-kun was holding a bucket that recently had water in it.

Ayato:-Chuckles Evilly- Oops. Did I do that?

He dropped the bucket and walked away from the rooftop to get ready for class.

-Back With Senpai-

Taro went to the shower room to see if Osaka was alright.

He wonder why anyone would pull such a prank on his friend. When he looked around, he finally found Osaka...but in a awkward situation.

Osaka was in nothing but his underwear getting ready to take them off so he shower the liquid off him.

Senpai took one good look at them.

Senpai: Polka-dotted underwear?

He then closed his mouth realizing he was loud but it was too late as he heard a gasp from Osaka who turned his head to look at him.

Osaka: Eh.....

Osaka's face turned bright red from embarassment and rage.

Senpai:...Uh....I can explain?


Before Senpai could even run, Osaka threw a shower rink at his head and he blacks out due to the blow.

Poor clueless Senpai...

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