Yandere-kun x Osaka

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A/N: Haven't done this ship before. Takes place after Ayato killed someone.

Ayato smirks to himself as he stabbed his victim with his knife and blood gushed out staining his uniform.

But he didn't care.

One less rival to deal with.

One step closer to getting Senpai.

Senpai: AHHHHH!

...Or so he thought...

Ayato: S-Senpai?

Taro looked down at the dead body in horror and fear before looking back at Ayato with an look that almost looked like he had betrayal in eyes now.

Senpai: W-Why?

Ayato: S-Senpai! I can explain!


He then ran away from the school after that.

Yandere-kun gasped in shock from what Senpai had called him.

Ayato: N-No...Wait!

But it was too late...His Senpai was gone...

Away from him...

His legs gave out and he fell onto his knees.

He can never face his Senpai again...

Ayato: He knows who I truly am...Now Senpai could never love me...


It was nighttime and Osaka can't believe he had to return to the school because he forgot his phone. It was already the weekend and he didn't feel like waiting to come back on Monday to get it.

Osaka: This is so stupid! I can't believe I forgot that dumb phone! Last thing I need is my parents getting pissed off and calling me irresponsible.

He sneaked into the school and he needed to make sure he stays quiet and avoid security.

Getting in trouble was also the last thing he needed.

He makes it to his locker and used the combination to open it up. Inside stood his phone. The device had an hint of a polka dot pink color with a key-chain on it.

Osaka: There you are.

He grabbed it and was getting ready to sneak back out until he heard crying...


Osaka: Why would someone else be here crying...? N-Not that I care about them or anything! D-Dummy!

Osaka follows the crying upstairs on the rooftop when he notices Ayato, covered in blood with tears falling from his eyes.

Osaka: A-Ayato?

Yandere-kun looks up at his rival and glares a bit.

Ayato: W-What do you want?

Osaka: I heard crying? Are you okay? N-Not that I care about you or anything! B-BAKA!

Ayato 'tch'ed at him.

Ayato: You annoy me sometimes. Espically when you talk that way.

Osaka: EXCUSE ME?!

Ayato: Shut up. You annoying me now. Just leave me alone.

Osaka: Alright damn! I'm just WORRIED okay?! Besides, you looked like shit! W-Wait...T-That blood on you...T-That isn't yours, is it?

Ayato sigh. It took the dumb tsundere long enough to realized who he was.

Ayato: Senpai found out...And he rejected me...Go on ahead. Call the police. I don't care anymore...

Osaka stared in shock hearing all this and looks down. He did think about calling the police. But he remembered he probably shouldn't because he'll get in trouble too for trespassing on school grounds late at night. He walks towards Ayato and hugged him.

Ayato: O-Osaka...W-What are you-?!

Osaka: You don't need him...

Osaka kissed him on the lips leaving Ayato to stare in shock himself. He was even more shock as he letting this happen. Osaka then pulled away and hugged him once more. He wipe the tears from the yandere's eyes.

Osaka: Who needs a damn Senpai anyway?

Yandere Simulator: Yaoi VersionWhere stories live. Discover now