Hayato x Sora

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Requested by: HigakuPai

Hayato walks over to Sora's new home.

Tears flooded through his eyes as they run him dry while looking around for Sora until he found him.

He can't believe what just happend a few weeks ago.

A tragedy occurred at Akademi High and Sora was caught in the middle of it.

Hayato: Why?...Why did it had to be you?!

Silence was his only answer.

What did he expect?

Of course Sora wouldn't talk to him.

Because two or three weeks ago, Sora told Hayato he could've swore someone was stalking him. But Hayato thought it was just nerves or being paranoid, so he brushed it off.

Hayato: Gomenasai...

A few days later, Riku notices Sora's absence and Hayato about it. Both of them got concern when they learn their friend hadn't return home.

Where could've he had gone?

However at the end of the week, Sora mysteriously returns but he was not himself.

To Riku's and Hayato's horror, he had a knife with him before he ran over to the drama club president and stabbed him multiple times.

Everyone who was nearby watch in horror as Kizami was killed.

Then Sora points the knife towards his own neck...

Now here, Hayato was now at Sora's new home.

When the police showed up, they identified the case as a murder-suicide. However, one of them speculate that torture may have been involved due to the scratch marks on Sora's neck when they inspect him.

Hayato cried some more.

Hayato: Who did this to you?! They never found out...Why? Why you? Who made you killed Kizami? Who tortured you into doing this? You...didn't deserve to die...

Sora still stayed silent.

Hayato: Gomenasai Sora-kun. Ai shiteru.

Hayato wiped his tears before he quietly left the graveyard.


Gomenasai= I'm sorry.

Ai shiteru= I love you.

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