Yakuza x Ayato

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A/N: The Yakuza and Yandere-kun. Some bit of Psycho Love.


It's a beautiful emotion that human feel for another.

However it can be cruel at points...

But that's just a part of life.

It can also make people obsessed with one another.

The Yakuza watched at Ayato killed another person that he was hired to kill.

Blood spilled everywhere on the boy's clothes while the Yakuza looks with amusement.

Yakuza: (It's been a while since he started working for us. So far, when we give him a mission. He handles it all by himself. No mistakes. No mishaps. He sure isn't a ordinary boy....)

Ayato was not like the other boys.

He had no emotions for others.

To him, they were just obstacles in his way.

To get close to Senpai.

But ever since he started working for the Yakuza.

He didn't really care if he was a pawn doing their dirty work.

He only does it for Senpai.

Killing their enemies and performing other tasks was no problem.

Yakuza: Hey kid.

Ayato looks up to the Yakuza in wonder before pulling the sword out of his victims corpse.

The Yakuza walks up to him before kissing him on the lips.

Yandere-kun does not pull away...

Yakuza: Good job. I want to see you in my room. Tonight.

Ayato shuddered a bit knowing where this is going.

He wanted to say no but of course.

This is a Yakuza he's dealing with. He has to go through the rule book of doing what they want when they want.

Ayato: Hai Yakuza-sama...

He will do it for Senpai's sake...

As long as Senpai is safe. That's all that matters.

Yandere Simulator: Yaoi VersionWhere stories live. Discover now