Evil Wake Up Call

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A/N: I hate getting up from sleep. Especially to a nightmare I don't even want to imagine.

Ayato: Shiho...

Shiho: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Ayato: What is he dreaming about...?(He needs to start working on helping me get Senpai.)

Shiho: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Ayato went into Shiho's dreams and saw Shiho with a muscular shirtless guy.

Shiho: Oh Brad~! You can tell me anything~!

Brad: Anything~?

Shiho: Yes!

Brad: How about I sing you a song? It's about you.

Shiho: Please do.

Brad starts singing in the most beautiful voice that Shiho has ever heard.

Shiho couldn't help but stare at that sexy voice and body that Brad was showing him.

Shiho: (Sexy Boyfriend~! I never want to wake up.)

Ayato: -Glares- Oh hell no! Time to wake you up. I think I know how.

Ayato then made Brad disappeared...

Shiho: BRAD?!

...Before he made a bald fat guy wearing a bikini appeared in front to Shiho.

Guy: S'up~!


Ayato: -Poker face- (That's one way to wake him up.)

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