She's A What? (Part 6)-John

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The door clicked letting you know that you had successfully picked the lock. You opened the door slowly, pulling your gun back out. You pointed it straight ahead of you in case anyone was waiting for you. You pushed the door open fully and heard the small sound of a string snapping. You always knew what that meant and you jumped forward, summersaulting away from the door. A bomb went off behind you and sent a small shockwave out, pushing you forward a bit. You looked around and heard the distant sound of boots on the concrete ground. You quickly regained balance and disappeared in the shadows.
Six men with loaded guns appeared and began to search through the debris. You quietly emerged from your hiding spot and ran in the direction that the men had come from. As you walked, you heard voices and soon was able to make out the words being said.

"Please, I don't know anything about her."  A familiar voice said.

"You have to if you know about her past."  Another voice said.

"Look, I am telling you the truth, I don't know anything about it I just know that she had that past."  John said.

You inched forward, back pressed against the wall. You leaned in forward to see what was happening when you heard the footsteps coming back. Your heart began to pound as you knew you couldn't hide this time. You began to walk towards the sounds of boots.

"Hey!"  Someone shouted from the group.

You charged towards them and flipped over the first man. You grabbed the next man and rolled to the ground with him. One lifted his gun and you shielded yourself with the man you were holding. You kicked the gun out of his hands and punched him in the face. The last two aimed their guns at you and you grabbed each of their guns causing them to shoot and each bullet hit each of them. You advanced back down the hall and cautiously entered the room.

"Tell me!"  A man shouted.

"We don't know!"  A deep voice shouted back.

You looked out in front of you from the darkness and saw John and Sherlock tied together back to back. You were making a plan in your head as to how you were supposed to get out of here with them.

"She's here you know."  The man said.

You froze. Your blood ran cold and you shut your eyes.

"How do you know?"  John asked.

"Have you not heard all those noises?  The bomb? The gunshots?  It's easy to tell." The man said.  "Although, I don't know where she is exactly, but she is close by." 

You sighed a bit in relief continuing your plan. You saw the man squat down to Sherlock and John and said something too quiet for you to hear. You took an opportunity and pulled out a knife you'd brought with you. You placed your aim and threw it. There was a slicing noise and then a clattering. The rope slipped down Sherlock and John's arms. The man looked around.

"I know you're out there!"  He shouted.

You didn't respond but walked slowly to the other side of the room, till you were behind him. You pulled out your gun and pointed it at him. He turned around as if knowing you were there. He swung at you but you ducked just in time. You gripped his arm and twisted it behind him. He screamed in pain and you held the gun up to his head.

"Go ahead.  It's just another kill added to your list."  He said.

You released his arm and he looked at you. That's when you recognized him. He was your old partner. Well, more like boss.

"You remember, don't you?"  He asked.

Your response was not expected. You punched him in the face. He collapsed on the ground unconscious. You were panting hard now as John and Sherlock rushed over to you.

"Are you alright?"  Sherlock asked.

"I'm I alright?  Are you guys alright?"  You asked.

"We're fine."  Sherlock said, "But you won't be if you stay here. This man called the police and told them that there was an assassin here, which is you."  He explained.

You looked at Sherlock and John, then down at your old boss.

"Let's go."  You said.

You lead them down through the warehouse but when you made it outside it was too late. The police were there and were ready for anything. 

"Where's the assassin?"  Lestrade called.

"Umm..."  Sherlock started.

"It's me."  You interrupted. "I'm the assassin." 

Lestrade looked at you disbelievingly.

"You?"  He asked.

You nodded, "It's me.  But don't worry. I'll go without a fuss."  You said and held your wrists out for him to cuff you.

He was hesitant but then did it and brought you to his car. He put you in the back and drove away, leaving John and Sherlock shocked behind you.

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