We've Met Before (Part 4)-John

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After a couple hours of watching TV you had become sucked into it. Your knees were pressed against your chest and you bit your lip anticipating what the characters on the show would decide. They made a decision and you started yelling at the show.

"No, no, NO!!  Of course he's not the boys father!  Look at the turn-ups on his jeans!"  You shouted.

"Ugh!  You're a genius too?"  John asked since you hadn't deduced ever around him.

You shrugged, "Eh.  You love me."  You said and then slapped yourself for saying that. 

"What?"  John asked.

"Nothing."  You said sighing a bit knowing he didn't hear you.

You looked at Sherlock who was smirking at you. You gave him a death glare that told him that if he told John that you would basically murder him. You stood up from John's chair and stretched.

"I've gotta get going. I'll see you two tomorrow then."  You said.

"Kay!  Bye."  Sherlock said.

You walked out the door and went down the steps.  Right as you closed the door of the building it opened again and John walked out. You couldn't help the butterflies that erupted in your stomach or your heart skipping a beat. But those were things only you could notice. You afraid that John noticed the pink tint that coated your cheeks.

"Oh, hi...again."  You said.

"Hi."  He said.

An awkward silence befell the two of you before you turned away and walked down the sidewalk. Just as you rounded the corner you heard a weird noise and peeked back around. You saw John lying unconscious on the ground and some men dragging him inside a car. You pressed yourself against the wall hoping that they didn't see you. Luckily they didn't. You watched the direction they went and then caught a cab. You told the driver which ways to go and then to follow that car. But you told him to keep his distance. He was very nice and did an excellent job at following your directions.
After a while the car stopped but you stayed in the cab. They came back and started driving again. When they finally stopped for good, you found yourself at a public pool. You crept inside and armed yourself with the gun John had taught you to use. You made your way inside and heard talking from the pool area. You could hear two familiar voices but one unfamiliar voice. You opened a door and there was the pool. John and Sherlock were there and someone else. You were behind the man and you easily picked up on who he was. Moriarty. The man you'd been trying to track down with Sherlock. You approached him and pointed the gun at the back of his head. You cocked it and he turned his head to look at you.

"Well hello there. I know you. You're the lover of John Watson.  Is that right?"  He asked.

"Why does that matter?"  You asked keeping your aim.

"Well you see, if you pull your trigger..." He said and looked at the gun pointed at his head. "...then my men will pull their trigger hitting the bomb that is attached  to your boyfriend killing you all."  He explained.

"Well at least I'd accomplish killing you."  You shot back

"Yes. But your boyfriend will never get the chance to remember you." 

That caused the anger boiling inside of you to escape. You pulled your arm to the side and attempted to smack Moriarty across the face with your gun. He caught your wrist and twisted your around, aiming the gun at you. You were still holding the gun but he had a tight grip on you.

"This is just the beginning Sherlock!  But I must get going so, ciao, Sherlock Holmes."  He said releasing you.

He walked to his right and went through a door. You wanted to run after him and shoot him but John still had a bomb attached to him. You rushed over and helped Sherlock take it off. You grabbed it and threw it across the floor.

"Are you alright?"  Sherlock kept asking.

"I'm fine."  John repeated.

Sherlock was panting and looked around. He then looked at you with a slight bit of concern.

"Are you okay, y/n?"  He asked.

"Yeah I'm alright."  You said.

"Y/n?"  John asked looking up at you. 

"Yes?"  You asked with a confused expression.

"It's you!  It's really...you."  He said.

"What are you doing?"  You asked.

"I thought I wouldn't see you again."  John straightened up and looked at you.

"Yeah. Nearly getting blown up. Pretty scary."  You said sarcastically.

"I meant after Afghanistan."  He said.

Your mouth immediately dropped open and tears stun your eyes. "Y-you remember?"  You asked.

"Yeah. I do."  He said.

You embraced him in an enormous hug and kept him close. You felt like if you let him go you'd never get him back again. You didn't want this to happen again. Tears of joy spilled down your cheeks.

"How did you just suddenly remember?"  You asked.

"Well I guess that whatever Moriarty did to me helped me remember."  He said.

"You mean talking through you?"  Sherlock asked.

"Yeah that."  John said.

"Well, I guess that means I can hate Moriarty but I can also thank him."  You said.

John laughed. "Indeed." 

You pushed yourself closer to him and kissed him. You had wanted to for so long since you found out he was at Baker Street but it would've been really awkward. You were happy you could do it now.

"I love you."  You said with all the meaning in the world.

"I love you more."  John returned.

"I love you most."  You said softly and leaned your head against his chest.

You had your John back and you'd never let him go again. Never!

A/n:  Hope you all enjoyed this John Imagine!  I know I changed the pool scene but that was because I really didn't feel like typing all of that out...😬 Thank you all for the wonderful comments and all the votes!  

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