Son For A Day-Sherlock

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You trudged up the steps, slowly.  The grocery bags on your arms were excellent at making your arms hurt.  You sighed when you finally made it to the flat door.  Somehow, you managed to open it and you stepped inside.  When you came in you saw Sherlock sitting at his laptop with Archie.  You smiled at how well they were getting along.  You were nervous at first when John and Mary told you about it but now you weren't so much.  Well...not yet. 

"What's all the stuff in his eye?"  Archie asked.

"Maggots."  Sherlock answered.

You gasped and dropped the grocery bags.

"Cool."  Archie said.

You rushed over and pulled him away from the laptop.

"Are you out of your mind?!"  You shouted at Sherlock.

"I was just showing him some pictures."  Sherlock defended himself.

"Yah.  Pictures that he shouldn't be looking at!"  You retorted.

Sherlock shrugged, "He was the one that wanted to look at them."  He said. "Besides...he said it was cool." 

You crossed your arms and turned to look at Archie who was standing there awkwardly. You sighed in defeat and motioned for Archie to continue looking.

"Just don't show him any beheadings or anything."  You said, picking up the grocery bags.

You had this feeling that Archie was gonna grow up and be just like Sherlock. You shivered at the thought. It would probably be best not to tell his mother that. She would not be happy at all.  You put everything away in its proper place and once you were finished, plopped on the couch. Sherlock and Archie were talking to each other but were whispering. You tried to ignore them but it seemed impossible. You turned your head and saw Archie looking at you. Then you noticed Sherlock was doing the same.

"What?"  You asked.

"Archie wants to know why he has to wear the outfit tomorrow."  Sherlock told you.

"Why couldn't you tell him?"  You questioned.

"Because I told him I'd ask an adult."  He mumbled quietly, but you heard.

You then burst out laughing when you heard that. Honestly it shouldn't have been that funny, but you were obviously in need of sleep. You eventually calmed yourself down and you looked at Archie.

"You've gotta wear the outfit so that you look nice. It's John and Mary's wedding! It's a special event!" You tried to make it sound exciting for him.

"So?" He asked.

You sighed, "No matter what, you're gonna wear it. I'll let Sherlock show you the photos if you wear it." You bargained.

He gasped, "Yes ma'am!" He said and then went right back to looking at the pictures.

You smiled and sighed. You then thought, 'this is what it'll be like if you have a son.' He would be just like Sherlock. You smiled at the thought of having a small Sherlock running around the flat.

"Archie?" You called.

"Yes, Miss y/l/n?" He asked.

"When is your mother picking you up?" You asked.

"She's not coming. Archie is staying here for the night." Sherlock answered.

You sighed, "Of course he is."

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