Holiday to disneyworld

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"Are you excited for Disney world baby?" I asked my 1 year old daughter, Aaliyah as I put her y shirt over her head. She nodded smiling showing the few teeth she had. "Mummy's excited too!" I said ruffling her brown hair she inherited from Niall.

"Y/n are you ready? We need to go soon so we don't miss our flight" Niall said walking into the room with our 4 year old son Luke. "Dadda!" Aaliyah said and Niall smiled picking her up.


We where now in our seats on the plane. Niall was next to the window with Aaliyah on his lap, he had another seatbelt for her that would attach to his. I was on the end next to the isle and Luke was in between us watching a film.

"I hope they're both okay during the flight" I said to Niall and agreed. "I think Luke will be okay because he'll just watch films the whole time, it's her I'm worried about. I don't really want her to start crying beachside some of the looks people give you are horrible even though you can't control a crying baby" Niall ranted. I chuckled. "I know, she might go to sleep though because she was awake crying quite a lot of last night so she should be tired" I told him and he nodded


Niall was pushing the pram that had Aaliyah in it and I was holding Likes hand as we walked around Disney world.

"Mum! Look it's Buzz Lightyear!!" Luke said excitedly. "You wanna picture with him?" Niall asked and Luke nodded eagerly. We walked towards buzz and Luke high fives him and hugged him. He then stood next to him and Niall took a picture on his phone.

We then went into the gift shop. "You can have two things each okay" Niall told Luke and he nodded. "I want these!" He said holding up a woody and a buzz doll. "You spend to much time with your uncle Liam" I mumbled and Niall chuckled. "What should we get her?" I asked referring to the wide awake baby in the pram.
"How about a little crown and a Minnie Mouse teddy?" Niall suggested and I nodded. We payed for the items and left the gift shop. Niall had put the little crown on Aaliyah's head . "A tiny crown fit for a tiny princess!"Niall said and Aaliyah giggled.

Niall asked a passer by to take a photo and they agreed.

Niall took Aaliyah out of her pram and held her on his hip. He wrapped an arm around my waist and Luke stood in front of us in the middle and I had my hand on his shoulder and the castle was in the background.

After taking the photo the man gave Niall his phone back. Niall placed Aaliyah back in her pram and we looked at the photo. "Oh wow! They're both smiling for once! Send that to me" I told Niall and he nodded.

@NiallOfficial: Had a great first day at Disney world with my amazing little family! Luke and Aaliyah are both enjoying it! Luke has become obsessed with Toy Story and I blame @Real_Liam_Payne , they spend too much time together!

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