The One Part 5

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I replied my red lipstick, then checked my phone. Joe would be here any time now. Going out with a guy I knew almost nothing about and met a couple days ago still shocked me. I placed my phone down but quickly pulled it back up with Joe texted me he was there.

When we pulled into his drive I could hear a dog barking from inside. I didn't not like dogs but could be a little too crazy, cats were more calm.

Joe jumped out of the car and came around to the other side, opening the door. I thanked him and we got to the door As he unlocked the door, the barking calmed. He opened it and a husky with blue eyes and brown and white fur pranced on him, running in circled. Next up was me, the dog jumped on me, almost knocking me over.

I shirked and Joe grabbed on the dogs collar keeping him down.

"Sorry about Conner. I forgot to put him outside." ,he said pulling Conner towards the backdoor.

" you want anything to drink?" ,he asked rubbing his arm shyly.

"No thanks."

After a while we took a walk on the path behind his house, he needed to walk Conner.

"What do you like to do in your free time."

Really. I thought. It was a lame question but better then, when's your next album coming out, or, I saw you at the Grammys. Loved your performance.

"Um" I began. Why couldn't I think of anything. It felt like I've been asked this question one hundred times. "I like to write songs."

"I meant something I wouldn't already know." ,he explained as Conner tugged out the leash trying to chase a squirrel.

"I like to cook."

"Huh. Like what?" ,he said as we passed a small bridge.

"Like cake, brownies, pie, nothing that exciting."

"Sounds cool. My parents wouldn't let me cook anymore. Last time I tried I almost burnt down the house."

"Aww." ,I laughed. "Well what do you like to do." ,I asked.

"Playing with Conner." ,he said and Conner turned his head hearing his name. "Acting, and baseball."

"Have you tried out for any movies recently."

"One...late today." ,he said pulling Conner to the side as another dog passed.

That's when it hit me, Austin.

"Do you know what move it is?" ,I asked.

"Nah. Just thought it would be fun."

"Right I said." ,and we headed back.

When we got home, someone else was there playing video games in the living room.

"Patrick." ,Joe shouted at Patrick over the noise. "I told you to stay upstairs."

"Huh?" ,he said turning around and glancing at me. "Who's she?"

"Joe, this is Taylor, Taylor this is my brother Patrick."

"Hi." ,I said friendly as he got up shaking my hand.

"Hi." ,he replied glancing at Joe in a suspicious matter.

"Patrick, please go upstairs." ,Joe said in the same tone I would tell Austin.

"Whatever." ,he said, leaving.

After about an hour longer, Joe drove me home, since he didn't want to be late for his audition.

About four hours after I got home, Austin came it. I couldn't tell by his expression if he had got the part so I was hesitant to ask.

" was the audition?" ,I asked carefully.

"Bad." ,he said kicking off his shoes.

Oh no. I thought. "Do you know who got the part?"

"I dunno. I think he's name was Joe. Idiot." ,he said stomping upstairs.

"Right." ,I said. I knew it was best to leave him alone for now. And who knows, maybe it was just another person with the name Joe, Joe was a common name.

Just then, I heard my phone ring, Joe.

"Hello?" ,I said nervously.

"I got the part!" 

The One (Jaylor)Where stories live. Discover now