The One Part 32

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Taylor POV:

An hour after we got to the hospital Joe and I's baby was born, Patricia Hazel Swift Alwyn was born. 

I was holding her gently in my arms as she slept when Joe barged into the room. Apparently he had got caught in bad traffic going to the hospital since he thought that we were still at the house and had missed Patrica being born.

I looked up at him, my eyes brightening. I was just glad that he was here. "Hey!" ,I whispered so Patricia wouldn't wake up.

Joe POV:

I had missed it. I had missed by daughter being born. Devastated, I went over to Taylor, seeing Patricia. She looked tiny, wrapped in one of those hospital blankets as Taylor looked back down at her.

"Were going to let you three be alone." ,Abigail said, grabbing Adams wrist and dragging him out the door when he couldn't seem to take the hint.

"She's beautiful." ,I said sitting on the edge of the bed and putting an arm gently around Taylor.

"Yeah." ,Taylor replied grinning at Patricia as she began to open her eyes. As I thought, they were a light shade of blue, and looking right at me.

Taylor seemed to notice, "Do you want to hold her?" ,she asked and I nodded stretching my arms out as Taylor gently placed her into them. She was so light and somehow seemed to look even smaller.

"Hi Patricia." ,I said quietly. "I'm your daddy."

Taylor POV:

I smiled at then. It was a view I could get use to seeing. Pretty soon, Patricia was getting hungry so Joe handed her back to me. Joe's parents weren't going to be able to come see the baby today since Joe's mom had the flu and didn't want to get the baby sick. My parents and brother would be her in another hour or two.

When my parents had come Patricia was sleeping again and I was getting tired too. They left, going to Joe and I's house while Joe and I stayed with Patricia.

The next morning we heard a knock on the door. "Hello." ,Austin said slowly coming into the room smiling. He was never like this in the mornings.

"Hey." ,we replied.

"What's up?" ,I asked. "Where are mom and dad?"

"There's still at the house, sleeping. They're really tired from driving all the way up here but they said I could come here. I wanted to see my niece." 

"Well you're in luck. She woke up just a few minutes ago." ,I told his as he came over to me to see her. 

"Hi Patricia." ,he said as she looked at him mumbling some sounds. 

"Do you want to hold her?" ,I asked motioning her to him.

He nodded and I handed her to him. After about a minute of Austin holding her she began crying. Shockingly I had only heard her cry a few times, she seemed to be an easy baby.

"Oh gosh what do I do. What did I do?" ,Austin asked nervously quickly handing her back to me.

"You didn't do anything." ,I said reassuringly to him. "She's probably just hungry." 

Austin sighed breathing hard. "If she doesn't like me, you have to have another kid." ,he said grumpily.

"Or..." ,I said. "You could just have your own kid!" ,I suggested. 

"Nah, too much work. But I'll babysit Patricia." 

I laughed. A couple hours later my mom and dad had arrived, both thrilled and happy to meet Patricia. She seemed to like them too, no longer as moody, I guess she wasn't going to be a morning person.

I had finally convinced my parents and brother to go home the day before Patricia would be let out of the hospital, she was a perfectly healthy baby was ready to go home. Joe had gone out to get us something to eat and I was watching Patricia. She was sleeping. 

"I can't wait to take her home." ,Joe said and I jumped startled. I hadn't realized he had entered the room. 

Relaxing, he put him arms around me, looking at Patricia. I nodded. "She has your hair." ,I told him.

"And your nose." ,he said and I smiled. She was perfect. 

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