The One Part 53

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Taylor POV:

It turns out I was always having triplets. The nurses didn't see the third baby because she was behind the other babies. But, she was just as healthy as the other two, although there weight was concerning. They all weighed 3.9 pounds but apparently that was normal for triplets. 

The plan for naming them was, I got to name a boy, Joe got to name a boy, and because I knew Patricia would be so excited, she would get to name her baby sister, unless she decided an unreasonably name, like candy, in which Joe and I would just agree on a name.

When Patricia came into the room beside a nurse, I was holding the boys on the bed while Joe was on the comfy chair holding the little girl. 

As the nurse let go of Patricia's hand, she came straight over to me obviously not noticing Joe with her sister.

"Are these my brothers Mommy?!" ,she asked looking at both of them smiling.

"Yup!" ,I said quietly. "And guess what else!" 

"What?" ,she asked looking up at me from the twins.

"Well." ,I began looking at Joe. "It turns out I had three babies in my stomach."

"Three?!" ,she gasped. "Was the third a girl. Am I getting a sister?!"

I nodded, a grin covering my face. "Yes, you are! She's right over there with Daddy."

Joe POV:

"This is my sister." ,she said, more of a comment then a question.

I nodded. "Yeah. Would you like to hold her?"

"Yes!" ,she exclaimed.

Switching places with her on the chair, I gently placed the baby into her arms.

"Hi baby sister!" ,she said cradling the baby in her still chubby little kid arms. "What's her name, daddy?"

Patricia POV:

"You get to decide that." ,Daddy said and I looked back down at my sister.

She was wrapped in a light pink blanket and had a tiny hat on, it looked like the same one I had when I was three. Slowly, she opened her eyes, looking straight at me, I already knew she was my favorite.

"Can we name her Daisy?" ,I asked looking at my Mommy for approval.

Taylor POV:

I absolutely loved that name. But it wasn't like it was the most popular name so I began to wonder how she knew it.

"I think it's a beautiful name." ,Joe said then looked at me. "What do you think?"

"I love it too." ,I replied.

"What about Daisy's middle name?" ,Joe asked picking her back up from Patricia.

"How about Jenna?" ,I asked


"No, like Jenny." ,I repeated. Doing my own research, I had always liked the name.

Joe shrugged looking back down at Daisy. "Daisy Jenna." ,he said slowly and I was beginning to become afraid that he would veto it. "I love it." ,he finally said.

I sighed in relief, smiling.

"Mommy? Can Daisy and I share a bedroom?" ,Patricia asked.

"Honey." ,I said knowing how eager she was. "The baby will be up a lot and probably wake you up. Are you sure you want to share a room with her?"

Patricia nodded. "She's my sister. Please?"

"We'll talk about it later." ,I said.

Since Joe and I only thought we were having twins, we only had baby supplies for two babies, so I was already getting worried about where we would put the third on in a day or so when we got home.

"Joe." ,I said. "It looks like Daisy is asleep so why don't you but her in her little bed. You...and Patricia if she wants need to get another crib and blankets and stuff for Daisy."

"Right!" ,Joe said his eyes lighting up. He was obviously realizing this too for the first time. "Patricia, do you want to come with me and get a crib for your sister or stay here with Mommy and the babies?" ,he asked.

"You!" ,she exclaimed and they begin to leave

"Wait!" ,Taylor called stopping me.

"Yeah?" ,I asked.

"You didn't name one of the babies." ,I said.

"Oh!" ,I said. I was really out of it today. I went over to the two babies in Taylor's arms. Both had blond hair and there eyes were squeezed shut. The only difference was one was wrapped in blue, and one was wrapped in blue and white so we could tell the different.

"How about this one..." ,he began placing his hand on the one which was covered in all blue. "This ones name is David...David Caspian. Is that good?"

"Yeah." ,I smiled. "I really like that."

"Okay. Well, see you soon." ,he said giving me a quick kiss before leaving with Patricia.

I looked at the other boy with blue and white. He seemed to look like a Jack. Jack, Alex. When Joe and I decided that we wanted another baby, I really just wanted one. Another little sister for Patricia. Then, when I thought I wash having twins for eight months I was kind of mad and worried. When I finally realized I was having triplets, I passed out a couple of times. But really, I couldn't be happier.

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