He's Back: Year 3

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Amisty tried, she really did, to get Hermione away from her work.

The brunette had stuck by her side for a while, laughing and eating food that the twins had somehow snuck out of the kitchen. And then she slipped away to start working on her homework when Harry and Ron dragged Amisty off to join them.

She nudged Harry, who was chewing on a Peppermint Toad and gestured off to Hermione, who was reading Home Life and Social Habits of British Muggles so carefully her forehead was barely visible above the top of the book. Then again, it was a rather large book. Not the biggest of Hermione's incredible collection, but definitely one of the top five.

They headed over to her.

"Did you even come to the match?" Harry asked, his voice rising in pitch slightly as Amisty stepped on his foot.

It was a warning, a fair one at that. It wasn't the nicest way to word a question, and judging by Hermione's posture she was very stressed at the moment.

"Of course I did. And I'm very glad we won, and I think you did really well, but I need to read this by Monday," Hermione replied, her voice very tight and strained as she talked to her book.

"Come on, Hermione, come and have some food," Harry urged, his gaze shifting over to Ron, who was talking to Seamus and Dean amicably.

"I can't, Harry! I've still got four hundred and twenty-two pages to read!" Hermione argued, looking over at Ron. "Anyways.... He doesn't want me to join in."

Amisty's heart clenched, she hated seeing the two of them like this, and she twisted her fingers.

"If Scabbers hadn't just been eaten, he could have had some of those Fudge Flies. He used to really like them -- " Ron announced loudly.

Hermione broke down into tears, picked up her book and tucked it under her arm, and raced up to the girls' dormitory, tears still streaming down her face.

Amisty charged after her, glaring at Ron over her shoulder and almost running face first into the locked dormitory door after she scaled the spiral staircase.

"Hermione!" She banged on the door desperately, almost positive her voice could be heard downstairs. "Hermione, please open the door!"

There was a soft click and Amisty pushed the door open, finding Hermione with her head buried in her pillow, sobbing.

Crookshanks was curled up beside her, his tail brushing against her arms. His big yellow eyes looked up at Amisty when she entered, not leaving her as she gently sat down at the edge of Hermione's bed.

She didn't say anything, just placed her hand on the brunette's shoulder reassuringly and waiting for her to speak first. They stayed like that for a while, Hermione crying and Amisty waiting while the party raged on beneath them.

Finally, she lifted her head and looked over at Amisty, brown eyes puffy and red with tear stains down her cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry. I just couldn't -- Ron, he -- " Her voice came out strangled and choked, cutting off as she wiped her eyes.

"I know, I know," Amisty whispered, nodding and simply waiting for her to continue.

"I've been taking so many classes and all the homework is just piling up, I barely have time to sleep anymore! And then with Harry and Ron not talking to me after that Firebolt and now with Ron and Scabbers!" She left out a small sob before continuing. "I know Crookshanks didn't know he was mad and I know Ron is upset but still!"

Amisty hugged her tightly, feeling the fabric around her shoulders go damp at Hermione's slowly dissipating tears.

She waited patiently for Hermione to stop, and gently let go of her as if she were made of glass.

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