Dementors Attack: Year 3

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Amisty jumped at the loud, menacing growl. She whipped around, watching as the werewolf raced off into the forest.

"Sirius, he's gone, Pettigrew transformed!" Harry shouted.

Sirius was lying on the ground, scratches adorning his muzzle and back, but he shot to his feet and raced after the werewolf.

Hermione dragged her away from staring, off toward where Ron was lying, motionless, on the ground.

"What did he do to him?" Hermione whispered, staring down at the redhead with wide eyes.

Ron's eyes weren't fully closed, the faintest line of blue peeking out from beneath half-closed lids, mouth open.

He was breathing, but he didn't seem to know what he was looking at, who he was looking at.

"I don't know..." Amisty breathed out her reply, checking his pulse. It was steady.

"We'd better get them up to the castle and tell someone. Come -- " Harry ran a hand through his hair after looking around, but his voice broke off at the heartbreaking sound of a dog whine.


There was a pause, a moment of uncertainty, and all three of them raced off toward the lake.

Amisty ignored the cold that washed over her, assuming it was just the wind coming off the water, until they skidded to a stop, her heart thumping at the sight.

Sirius had shifted back into a man, clutching his head.

"Nooo. Noooo... please..." He pleaded, voice weak and shaky.

Dementors surrounded him, more than Amisty had ever seen. She blinked back tears, fighting away the images as her legs started shaking.

"Hermione, Amisty, think of something happy!" Harry shouted, pulling out his wand.

She tried. Christmas... Making up with her dad... Draco...

But what about Echo? And Haven...

"Expecto Patronum! Expecto Patronum!"

Sirius fell to the ground, pale.

That seemed to only inspire Harry further, his voice getting stronger.

"Expecto Patronum! Help me! Expecto Patronum!" He continued, throwing a desperate look back to the two of them.

"Expecto -- Expecto -- Expecto -- " Hermione couldn't finish the spell, and try as Amisty might, she couldn't even manage to get a sound out as the dementors neared closer and closer.

The cold was shocking, silence suffocating, the darkness seemed to close in like a cage.

Amisty was the first to fall, covering her face with her hands.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM! EXPECTO PATRONUM!" Harry shouted the only thing that seemed to keep her from losing consciousness.

There was a soft thump as Hermione fell beside her.

"Expecto -- Expecto Patronum -- "

Another soft thud as Harry hit the ground, his voice weaker, "Expecto Patronum!"

Amisty fought to keep her eyes open, fog clouding her vision and shivers wracking her body.

"No -- no -- He's innocent... Expecto -- Expecto Patronum -- " Harry kept trying, but he sounded weaker than ever.

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