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Wednesday, October 13 - 2017

Jungkook. It's a relief to finally get a letter from you again. I've been writing the latest week about its events in my letters. How I saw you at the funeral but you didn't seem to notice me.

It's understanding that you've had your mind on a lot of other things instead of writing.

You don't have to worry about the money. I told you that you could pay me back, but honestly, I don't want money. i̸ w̸a̸n̸t̸ y̸o̸u̸. I just wanted to help you out. Besides, you bought me that expensive D.va figurine. We're even.

I will congratulate Jimin on his birthday for you. Thank you for helping him through this all when I wasn't there and couldn't. 💜



(The letter he's replying to is in chapter 8.4).

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