dating site [tyler scheid](one)

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Tyler Scheid would like to message you

Tyler- hi

Y/N- hello

Tyler- my friend thought this would be a great way for me to talk to people

Y/N- you do realize this is a dating site right?

Tyler- Yeah my friends and idiot and also wants me to get a girlfriend

Y/N- sounded like some friends I used to have

Tyler- Well I hope we can continue talking

Y/N- why not not many people message me anyway

Tyler- Why's that? From your bio you sound amazing!

Y/N- most people want just a quick booty call while I want something that will last you know?

Tyler- I understand you. It's one of the reasons I didn't want to get this app

Y/N- Hey I'll message you later. I have some studying to do

Tyler- Okay bye!

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