Ch. 1 - The Titan

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(Dont start music until it cues it in story)

Sophie walked through the halls of Fox Fire, stretching her arms above her head. Biana and Dex were at her side discussing a test they both recently took. Sophie licked the DNA strip on her locker and opened her locker only to find it packed to the brim with red roses and small jewels. Sophie stepped back in surprise as all the flowers tumbled out of the locker and onto the floor in front of the locker.

"Woah, Sophie! Got a secret admirer, huh?" Biana teased. Sophie gave her a look and started to sweep the flowers up from the floor.

"I don't think they are very secret, to be honest." Dex joked, slyly pointing down the hall where Valin was staring at her from the corner.

"Oh, hush you guys. Though it is a bit... much. It is sweet." Sophie reasoned, trying to hide her disgust as Valin swiped a giant blob of drool from his lip. She dug around the mess of flowers and pulled out her telepathy book. Shoving as many flowers back into the locker as possible she slammed it shut as Biana and Dex laughed beside her.

As she walked to her telepathy lesson, she pondered how much closer she and Fitz could get without her spilling her secret. She has been crushing on him since about a year after she moved in with Grady and Edaline. Though they were close, almost like brother and sister, Sophie didn't feel comfortable sharing the secret just yet. Just as she was about to open the door to the lesson, she heard screams coming from down the hall. She threw her books down and threw her hands out, ready to inflict.

(Start music now)

Suddenly, a swarm of students comes rushing down the halls screaming and crying. Fitz opened the door to the telepathy classroom and joined Sophie.

"Do you know what's happening?" He asked over the crowds. The halls were empty, and Fitz and Sophie remained on guard. The entire corridor shook and roar followed from down the hall. Both Fitz and Sophie gulped, wondering what was so large. The corridor shook a second time, but more aggressively, causing both Fitz and Sophie to fall down to the ground. They looked up to see a creature turn the corner and stop in front of them. It was at least 8 feet tall and 7 feet wide. It took up almost the whole corridor as it stared them down with its glowing red eyes. It looked to be a combination of rocks and magma, the rocks acting as plates against its molten interior.

 It looked to be a combination of rocks and magma, the rocks acting as plates against its molten interior

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It let out a deafening roar that shook Sophie and Fitz from their paralyzed spots.

"Oh, shit!" Sophie cursed, jumping up from her spot on the floor. Sophie attempted to inflict, but it seemed to have no effect on it. Fitz grabbed her forearm and started rushing down the hall. She loosened his grip and ran beside him. The monster began to hasten towards them, knocking out lights and lockers as it started to run towards them. Sophie threw her hand out behind her and used a mental push to force a row of lockers off the wall and onto the ground, temporarily halting the creature. It used its rocky mouth to tear up the lockers and move forward. Sophie caught up to Fitz just to seem him stopped in front of a large stained glass window.

"A dead end." Fitz breathed out, darting his head around looking for a door or another exit.

"Uh, Fitz?" Sophie pressured as the creature came closer and closer.

"I don't see another way out!" He yelled over the creature's roaring.

The creature turned the corner and spotted the two students, beginning its charge.

"Sophie?" Fitz yelled.

"What?!" Sophie replied, looking around for an exit.

"This is going to hurt, but don't kill me once we land!" He yelled, grabbing her waist and pulling her back.

"What the hell do you mean once we lan-" Sophie was cut off as Fitz threw them out the stained glass window and out into the crisp air. Screams both escaped their lips as they fell towards the ground. Suddenly Fitz tightened his grip on her, and she felt a tug upward. They both urk forward as they aggressively stopped by Fitz's telekinesis. They both blacked out about nine feet in the air, hearing the cries of awe and horror from the students below.


They will be getting longer once we get a little farther into the story, but I hope you enjoyed the first REAL chapter of Assassins of Dusk. Please support the original artist of the drawing (I think it is the Magma Titan card from Magic: The Gathering but im not sure) and wonderful music provided! See you next time!


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