Ch. 31- The Whisper

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Sophie groaned awake and nearly choked on the thick smoke coming from the battlefield. Sophie noticed that she fas still draped over the trees, her hair refusing lay flat against her head from all the static electricity. Her body was so weak, but she had to help. She couldn't just lay in a tree waiting for the battle to be over. Sophie tried to push herself down the tree, but the pain was so overwhelming her body just sent a painful shock throughout her body. Sophie eventually hobbled down the tree and stared at what was in front of her. Black Swan members were flying across the battlefield, knocking out Neverseen members left and right. But the Neverseen were putting up just a big fight. Sophie heard Linh battle cry and a colossal explosion of water in the distance. Keefe and Fitz were back to back, not letting the other open to the enemy. Sophie heard the slightest voice commanding at the Neverseen.

"A leader," Sophie whispered to herself. Sophie ducked into the tree cover and followed the voice barking orders.

"Do what I say, or I will scorch your ass!" The voice sounded familiar now.

"Scorch? Oh, no..." Sophie whimpered. Sophie pulled aside some brush and saw Fintan standing high above the Neverseen members, yelling orders in a panic. Sophie ducked back under the bush and tried to calm her breathing. Sophie thought the Elves got him when she managed to knock him out the night of the Elag gala barely. Sophie suddenly felt a cold shudder go down her back. Sophie tried to put her hand up to freeze or electrocute them, but Sophie's body was so frail and broken from her one giant attack she couldn't summon any more power. Sophie felt the wind lean down and caress her ear.

"Run." The voice said almost silently, in a breathy whisper.

"THERE SHE IS!" Neverseen members roared, pointing to Sophie.

"Merda!" Sophie cursed, pushing her body off the ground and sprinted farther into the forest.

"This way." The breathy voice whispered in her ear again, pulling her to the right. Sophie leaned to the right and cursed at herself. For both listening to the whispers in her head and for getting caught by the deadly Neverseen members behind her. Sophie felt the wind stop her dead, and just in time. She overlooked a deep craggy cliff that looked to be at least 70 feet up.

"Jump." The voice commanded.

"Bitch what?" Sophie asked out loud. Sophie stared over the cliffside again, the height causing her to get slightly sick. Her father jumped off skyscrapers and legendary cliffsides, but it was the one part of Sophie's training that she couldn't complete. She was a sky based Vatarian, why couldn't she just do this?!

"Jump." The voice repeated, the wind pushing her slightly towards the cliff.

"I-" Sophie was cut off by the Neverseen members starting to push there way through the brush. Sophie gulped down her a small amount of her fear and stood at the edge of the cliff. What was she doing?! She should be sparking the goons and returning to battle with her friends.

But even with that on her mind, Sophie's mind kept pulling her back to the cliffside. The wind roared louder, begging her to jump. Sophie took one deep breath, and before she tipped off the side, the wind whispered one last time.

"Spiegherò in tempo, signora Moretti." I will explain all in time, Madam Moretti. And before she could demand any questions, the wind gave her the final push to tip her over the cliffside.


Fitz threw his melder forward and knocked the last Neverseen member out in a 100-yard radius.

"She isn't in the tree anymore." Fitz cursed, pointing to the tree Sophie was thrown onto.

"We need to get her a bell or something." Keefe cursed, throwing down his hands from fighting. Fitz suddenly felt an overwhelming headache pierce through his head.

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