3~A Note?~

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Sophie whooped and hollered as the constables raced behind her, cursing and yelling at her. Sophie took a hard turn and rushed her stolen horse through the streets, aiming towards the barracks. The stolen horse was barely as comfortable as Ricin when he was in his horse form, and when Sophie was riding Ricin in any form, Sophie and he practically read each other's minds, seeing through each other's eyes and using one another's strategies.

"Turn, turn, turn, turn!" Sophie panicked, pulling on the reins of the stolen horse trying to urge it right. The horse whinnied and slammed into a cart full of hay, Sophie flying off the horse and into the dirt road. The horse huffed and started eating the hay.

"There she is!" A constable pointed at Sophie, who was covered in hay and still running towards the barracks. Sophie saw a saloon and pushed her way through the doors and quickly ducked underneath a table. The saloon was packed, and people didn't seem to notice Sophie, but everyone definitely saw the constables bursting in, scanning over the crowd. Sophie pulled the shadows over her body, concealing herself in the shadows underneath the table. The constables silenced the crowd as they slowly walked in, glancing around for Sophie.

"What are you doing here? Haven't you taken enough money and stuff from us as it is?" Someone piped up from the back.

"Please don't tell me you believed those murderers from the stage." The constable groaned. Everyone scoffed, and the constable backed up a little bit.

"They have been hiding out, and while they have, we have been looking into what they said! They are right! You have all been robbin' us blind by insane tax amounts!" Another voice piped up. The constables slowed their search for Sophie and started to handle the angry crowd.

"Please! We believe there is a criminal hidden among you-"

"We don't give a shit! You need to get out of our pub, damnit!" A new voice piped up. The crowd was getting rowdy and was forcing the constables out the door. An idea sparked in Sophie, and she crawled out from her shadow concealed hiding spot and snuck up right next to a constable, hiding behind the crowd of rowdy patrons.

"If you do not let us search your establishment, we will be forced to use violence!" The constable yelled. The crowd groaned and laughed. Sophie grabbed an empty bottle and use the shadows to conceal herself again, shimming right behind the constable.

"We know you are too much a coward to do anything." A patron laughed. The constable was turning purple with rage and embarrassment.

"I-I" The constable stuttered before gathering his puny confidence.

"That is it, you are under arrest!" The purple faced constable screeched. Everyone turned to him and glared. Sophie decided it was the right time, and from her shadowed hiding spot behind the constable, she threw the glass, and it crashed into the patron's skull. The constable turned pink and looked around to try to find who threw the bottle, but the damage was done. The man who was hit with the bottle picked up the constable by the shirt.

"You gettin' all feisty now, huh?!" The patron said wildly.

Sophie just watched the chaos ensue.

Tables were turned, and punches were swung as people brawled and drank. Somehow, someone threw a punch at the wrong guy, and the simple distraction turned into a full-blown brawl. Sophie chuckled as she rushed through the saloon, stopping to pick up an unattended bag of coin. Sophie has been hitting a small financial bump, and they left the bag unattended anyway. Sophie had to admit, though, she wasn't exactly the best role model. She was in the grey area when it came to morality. Sophie rushed through the kitchens and out the back door.

"Okay, now, the barracks. I need to get our shit back." Sophie said, rushing to a large cobblestone building.

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