Ch. 29- The Rush

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Sophie shook herself awake and pulled her self out from under the table. The great hall was in chaos and ruins. Members were rushing around, grabbing weapons and filling out orders. Sophie heard the emergency alarms blaring over her head.

"Sophie!" Linh cried out, running over to Sophie. She helped pull Sophie on her feet. Linh herself was covered in dirt and had a slight cut on her forearm.

"What happened?" Sophie groaned.

"You were only out for about five minutes. When you opened the box, it triggered a chemical combustion style explosion. It is why Dex couldn't figure it out if the box was dangerous or not; it wasn't electronic! It was chemical. After the explosion, our scouts spotted Neverseen armies heading towards the base." Linh explained. Sophie mentally slapped herself at her stupidity.

"I can't believe I was that idiotic to open to that box!" Sophie cursed, lifting herself off Linh and getting used to her own two feet again.

"It's okay; we couldn't have known. And the Neverseen were marching on us anyway." Linh tried to convince her. Sophie still felt terrible for blowing the Lumangwe base to bits.

"Let's get into our gear before they are right on the base," Sophie said, Linh nodded. They rushed to the armory and swung the door open. Biana and Keefe were already changing into their gear, and it looked like the rest of her team was already on the field. Sophie changed into her gear in less than two minutes. She was a pretty good blade user, nothing like her father yet, but still preferred to use her abilities. She placed her earpiece deep into her ear and heard everyone start to get online.

"Dex I want you to go back and work on enforcing the Black Swan's defenses

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"Dex I want you to go back and work on enforcing the Black Swan's defenses. You are the Black Swan's lead technopath, but you are still a part of my team. If we call you down to the field, you will come down." Sophie said, sliding some small little blades into her boots.

"Got it. Be safe, Soph." Dex said over their coms.

"Biana, Keefe, and Tam. I want you all to use your stealth skills to estimate their numbers and scout out their weaponry, leaders, and more." Sophie commanded. The three agreed and left to go scouting.

"Fitz and Linh are going to lead squadrons of about 100 soldiers on the front. But remember, we are all a team. If one of our members is in distress, you run, and you do everything to save them. Good luck, everybody, and gods, please come back alive." Sophie concluded. Linh finished getting her gear on and met Fitz, who was gathering their squadrons of newly trained soldiers. Sophie left them and went to discuss their tactics with the Black Swan leaders.


"This is the best they could give us?" Linh asked Fitz, leaning in so no one would hear her. Fitz nodded, exasperated, and went back to gathering together their soldiers. Linh sighed before addressing their soldiers. All together their squadrons added to 200 men and women.

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