Ch. 24- The Uprising

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I'm writing this in history lmao


Allesandro slid down into the sewer grate, Alden sliding down right behind him. Allesandro heard Alden nearly gag when he landed in the sewer water.

"What is in this?" Alden asked.

"I don't know, and I really don't want to know," Allesandro responded. Alden agreed and followed Allesandro down the sewer.

"How do you have this place memorized? Have you been here before?" Alden asked after some time.

"Leto showed me a holographic projection of their old blueprints. I have a photographic memory, so does Amalia." Allesandro explained, taking a right. Allesandro held a wooden torch out and was navigating around while Alden keeps an open mind out for any intruders.

"Uh, Allesandro?" Alden asked.

"Yeah?" Allesandro asked, twisting the sewer grate into the barracks.

"There aren't any guards in a 50-yard radius." Alden discovered.

"Really?" Allesandro asked, confused. They planned it so they would enter the Barracks at the transition time during dinner. But no guards in a 50-yard radius? That is bizarre.

"Do a mental track. See it for yourself." Alden said quietly. Allesandro opened his mind and scanned his surroundings, feeling his mental waves soar through the hallways and ceilings.

"Where the hell is everyone?" Alessandro cursed. Allesandro strode over to the blueprint table and scanned over everything, looking for where the children are kept.

"Okay, it seems Amalia is being held in their southernmost containment facility. There is a shed that you can hide out in while I go in and get her-" Allesandro was cut off as he felt a screeching power in his mind, overpowering his Telepath powers. Alden felt it too, and they both fell to the ground in pain.

"You think you own us?" A voice cried out in their heads.

"We refuse to be treated and traded like tools!" Another cried out. Allesandro felt a familiar transmission fill his head.

"Keep on putting on the pressure! If we keep on overwhelming them, we will be home free!" Amalia transmitted to all her fellow slaves. Allesandro pushed the pain down to the back of his head and ran over to the window. He nearly choked when he saw his daughter standing on the turned over prison carriage, yelling over the crowds of other rowdy slaves. She was stoking the fire of the slave's fury and helping the young children.

"Look at her go," Alden said in amazement

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"Look at her go," Alden said in amazement. Suddenly, the massive wooden drawbridge was forced downward, landing with a large thunk onto the dirt road leading away from the castle.

"Everyone go! Grab children if you can! Mansi, Nour, meet me where we arranged!" Amalia yelled over the rushing slaves. Two kids nodded and ran down the dirt road with the other slaves. Amalia was moving to join them when she thrown down into the dirt by a whip.

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