Ch. 11- The Key

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Fitz stared down into the water, keeping a close eye on his blond cognate diving down into the deep natural pool.

"Fitz..." Biana said, putting a hand on his back.

"She has been down there for what feels like forever! She has been in there for too long; I'm going down to get her." Fitz said, setting down his bag and began to remove his cloak.

"Fitz, Sophie is fine. If she were in trouble, you would feel it in your cognate connection." Biana reasoned.

"I know but what if-"

"Fitzroy I know you are in love with my best friend, but you need to let her breathe!" Biana announced exasperated. Fitz's eyes went wide, and his head darted around to see if anyone heard, but all of their friends were too intently watching the water for Sophie.

"What the hell Bia?! I don't have a cru-"

"I'm going to stop you right there, my darling brother. I am a wonderful matchmaker, okay? And I have noticed your behavior recently, and I realized it was painfully obvious. But, unfortunately, Sophie isn't as attentive as me. The only way she will notice you is if you tell her to her face." Biana said quietly.

"You are ridiculous, Biana. Sophie and I have a connection, yes, but a cognate connection. It isn't anything romantic!" Fitz said, trying to reason with his sister and his heart.

Biana looked at him unconvinced. Fitz's heart was also unconvinced.

"You two stare into each other's eyes and have a mental connection that no one else understands or can have. And don't think I don't know about that dance you two had at the Gala!" Biana said, pointing an accusatory finger at his chest.

Fit's mouth was wide open.

Biana slapped her hand over her mouth, cringing at her stupidity.

"Did you follow me?!" Fitz whispered hoarsely.

"No! But after the Gala and the Neverseen attack you were muttering to yourself. You had this stupid grin on your face kept staring at your cognate ring. After that, I put two and two together. Not to mention, there was a slight shadow of two people dancing from the library window over the ballroom." Biana explained. Fitz's mouth fell open in shock. 

Fitz stared back down at the water, keeping his eye trained on the blond head going deeper and deeper into the water. Did he really have feelings for Sophie? He always had a bit of a small crush, but he always figured it would go away. But maybe Biana was right, his feeling really had developed into a relationship where onesided love would be the only way to describe it.

He was about to argue back when there was a sudden rumbling coming from the lake.

"Sophie?! What is she doing down there?!" Keefe yelled, kneeling to look at the rumbling lake.

"Uh, you might want to back up!" Linh said, pulling Keefe back.

"Why?" Keefe asked.

"Becuase I sense something at full speeds rocketing out of the lake right now!" Linh said, pulling Biana back as well.

Suddenly, Sophie rocketed headfirst out of the lake and into the air, landing on the concrete with a thud.

"Soph?!" Keefe asked, running up to her,

"That... was so cool! It was like I was a torpedo launched out of the water!" Sophie rambled, clapping her hands together. In her hands, Sophie held the golden object in her hand, which glowed much brighter out of the water.

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