11~Time to go Underground~

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Throne of Glass reference in this chapter BTW... ;)

"I will whistle once I need you. Hopefully, I won't need to be in here for too long." Sophie said warmly to Ricin. Ricin nodded and flew into the sky, leaving Sophie to lift up the grate and slid into the sewers. Sophie's boots squished as she landed in the mysterious water.

"Ugh, wonderful." Sophie snarled, her voice dripping with disgust. Sophie hobbled out of the mystery water and onto the wet stones on the side of the sewer. Sophie followed the same path she has taken many times before. Before long Sophie was in front of the large cobblestone door, which she opened by pressing in a cobblestone. The large creaky door swung open, revealing the hidden bar and pleasure hall. Sophie pulled her hood farther over her eyes and walked in, closing the door behind her. Sophie heard the moans of the pleasure hall.

And walked right past them.

That wasn't the way she was going to earn money, she was going to make money the more comfortable way, fighting. Sophie walked down the hall at godly speeds, and she heard the cheering from the rowdy patrons.

The Undergrounds

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The Undergrounds.

Sophie walked down the rickety stairs and watched as people swung at one another in the pit.

"Nox eh? Been a while before I've seen you." The bartender said cooly.

Okay so, yeah, Sophie made her fake name based on a Harry Potter spell. So what?

"Not much. I was hoping to do maybe three or four rounds tonight." Sophie said from through her cowl, bowing her head to hide her brown eyes.

"Four rounds? Really running low on funds eh?" The bartender asked, surprised.

"Can I do four rounds, yes or no?" Sophie didn't bother answering his question. The bartender looked at Sophie before writing Nox on the large blackboard for four rounds of battle.

"Listen, kid, you are far too young to be in here. You have your whole life ahead of you! Where are your parents?" The bartender harshly whispered.

"One is dead, and the other ran away. Thanks for caring bud, but I got this handled." Sophie said, walking towards the pits. Sophie observed the sunken fighting pit, watching with a bored expression, even though she was watching each opponent every move. Sophie watched as the bigger member took running start and slammed his opponent into the brick wall. The crowd cringed but started roaring.

"Once again, the Valg is victorious!" The Ringmaster roared. The Ringmaster, the head of the Undergrounds and criminal mastermind. Usually, Sophie and her assassins would have cut him down right away, but his information has been beneficial for contracts and inside jobs. Sophie watched him drone on as she got ready for the fight. She removed her cloak, weapons, and cash, putting them in her secret hiding place behind the bar, the bartender looking away as she stashed her items. Sophie walked to the edge of the pit and watched as the Ring Master introduced her.

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