1~Not a Vacation~

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(If you want you can cue the music now and read the chapter with it on or listen to it later in the chapter, either way is fine)

Sophie stood over her training assassins, glaring down at them and analyzing them. Sophie has become the mentore* in a few short years and is one of the most deadly women in the world. She accomplished her training in record time and managed to run the Neverseen out of the city, and is in the middle of rebuilding the city. The city isn't aware of the assassin's return, and they think the Inalian senate are the ones that ran the Neverseen out of the town. And Sophie likes it better that way; the Assassins are supposed to work in the shadows, not be heralded in the public eye.

"Hey!" A familiar voice greeted from behind her. Sophie smiled and turned around. Ruy was walking towards her, smiling and holding a large burlap sack.

"Hey, how was your last mission?" Sophie asked, hugging him warmly. Ruy has become one of her best friends over the years and her right hand in leading the Assassin guild.

"Complicated, but it got done." Ruy admitted. Sophie glanced down at the bag, seeing it move and squirm around.

"What in Kynarath's name is that?" Sophie asked, glancing at the bag.

"Oh, somebody that got in my way, decided to bring him back. Might be helpful for the upcoming job." Ruy said, pulling open the bag.

"Belac?" Sophie asked, glancing at the straggly man in the bag. His grey hair was stringy and long, and he reeked of alcohol.

"Mentore Moretti! How are the trainees?" Belac hiccuped. Sophie groaned and pulled him out of the bag.

"Belac, why were you at the site of our assassin contract?" Sophie snapped.

"Come on now, Amalia; I was just trying to get a contract done." Belac said loosely.

"Belac, you were kicked out five months ago, trying to accomplish our contracts is clearly against our creed. You aren't welcome here." Sophie snapped, annoyed.

"Okay that is fair, but there is no need to for smolder here to throw me in a bag?" Belac said, gesturing to Ruy. Sophie put her hand over her mouth and glanced at Ruy, who was glaring at Belac.

"Smolder?" Sophie asked through her hand, holding back her laughter.

"It's nothing." Ruy snapped. Sophie quickly regained her composure and glared at Belac.

"And, I found this on him," Ruy said, handing Sophie a note.

The assassins have a contract out for a tax collecter in Cariana (Caribbean based Vatarian city). Keep an eye out, and don't get caught.

"Didn't you have specific orders not to get caught?" Sophie asked, honestly confused.

"I didn't know I was going to be caught!" Belac snapped.

"Even then, keeping the note on you, that is sloppy." Ruy scolded.

"Right? Burn it or something man." Sophie said, throwing the note into a bin nearby. Ruy motioned over some low member assassins and told them to throw Belac in the dungeons.

"Must be that little rebellion biting at our heels the last couple of weeks. They think that we are doing the governments works." Sophie joked, looking back over her assassins.

"Well, now we know that our upcoming Cariana job won't be interfered with." Ruy reasoned. Sophie felt her Pancras form shake and warn her about someone coming behind her at top speeds. Sophie quickly turned on her heel and grabbed the arm of her pursuer, slamming them on the ground.

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