42~It is no Coincidence~

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Well, well, dear reader, I certainly didn't take my computer and bike all the way down to a coffee shop, desperately log into the WIFI, and created a whole chapter sitting in that cafe. 

(That's exactly what I did.)

And be thankful, I was super comfy at home, but I wanted to update because I love all of my readers so much, so I had to drag myself out of my sweatpants and look like a functioning human being in order to get this to you! SO APPRECIATE THIS CHAPTER.

This is the last chapter in AAD before the next book. I know! It's weird to think about! No clue on when the next book is going to be published. But the chapters and title have been written and chosen for the next book, just have to make the cover.

I hope you all appreciate the last chapter in AAD and keep a lookout for the second book in the series!

I hope you all appreciate the last chapter in AAD and keep a lookout for the second book in the series!

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Leto stared at Ruy wide-eyed.

"You need to hide," Ruy said quietly, glancing around.

"Wait, wait, wait- I'm still confused-"

"Ruy!" A voice barked out. Ruy cursed and pushed Leto behind the bushes, scrambling away from him and meeting whoever called his name. Ruy had to resist rolling his eyes as the King walked towards him.

"Yes?" Ruy asked through his teeth, still not on the best terms with his father.

"You need to start training-"

"Excuse me? Do you think I'm some untrained child?" Ruy asked. The King still looked slightly worried but rolled his eyes.

"Not in combat, you have proved you are quite well trained in that field. I mean, you have to train to release your Dunmer body and soul. And fast." The King snapped. Ruy uncrossed his arms and looked at his father, slightly bewildered.

"What? Why? Is something happening?" Ruy asked. The King slightly hesitated before responding.

"Neverseen is gathering outside the Lost Cities in massive numbers, an army. They are tucked behind the mountainscape to stay outside of their view. The only logical option on what they are doing," The King took a deep breath, but Ruy had a sneaking feeling what he was going to say.

"The Neverseen are going to siege the Lost Cities." The King just said it. Ruy's world started to swirl and spin, he turned pale.

A siege on the cities?!

The Assassins have never prevented a full-blown siege before.

"You're kidding," Ruy chuckled, not believing him at first. The King shook his head, his face cold. Ruy could tell Leto was quietly absorbing every detail of their conversation from his hiding spot in the bushes.

"I refuse to have anything happen to you. I know if I try to keep you here, you are going to blow something up and break out. You may hate me, but no matter how you look at it, I love you. I know you are going to go back. I won't be able to stop you." The King sighed.

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