39~Are they Growing Intelligent?~

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These chapters keep on getting longer and longer and I can't do anything about it. Sorry about the spelling mistakes.

Keefe POV

Foster looked sick as Sanaa explained who took Ruy and the old woman's theories for Ruy's father, and after Lilac explained what Dunmer are, Keefe couldn't blame her. Sanaa said that the Black Armored man was Dunmer. When Sanaa first met Ruy, she smelt something off about him (Keefe and Biana were also super confused about her 'deep rooting smelling superpowers'). She then pieced together that Ruy's other scent was Dunmer, and almost told him, but by the time she figured it out, they had already left Exuillium. Sophie plucked out a few eyelashes and kept fiddling with her hands.

"So, you are saying that he is most likely in these underground Dunmer cities?" Keefe asked. Sanaa took a long sip from her tea and glanced at the setting sun.

"If I were to guess, then yes, since Ruy was taken by a Dunmer. But I have no idea what they should be doing with him down there, they are unpredictable like that." Sanaa sighed.

"How do we get down there?" Biana asked, leaning forward. Sophie was somewhat surprised at Biana and Keefe's effort to save Ruy, Keefe could feel her emotions about it.

"You don't. Vatarians aren't welcome down there, much less elves." Sanaa shrugged.

"Sanaa, there has to be a way we can get to him!" Sophie begged, finally talking.

"The Dunmer have completely closed themselves off after the Vatarians created their cities and the Mirthless attacked them. The only way to get into a Dunmer city is with a Dunmer." Sanaa explained.

"The Dunmer don't have regular entrances, like the Lost cities or Vatarian cities. There are only two ways to get down there, to teleport with the Dunmer themselves into the cities, or fly in through their small air vents, meant only for guards and important visitors."

"Fly in?" Keefe questioned.

"The Dunmer have giant wings that arch across their backs, and their main mode of transport is flying. But no one really leaves the underground, too dangerous." Sanaa answered.

"Well, we have Ricin! Maybe we can fly in on him!"

"We don't want to come in as hostile, if anything, this should be a stealth mission. Flying in on a lighting spewing dragon may not be the best move. But you have no idea which Dunmer cavern Ruy is being held in and where he is." Sanaa added. Sanaa turned to Sophie, who was holding her cup so tight in her hands Keefe saw little cracks starting to form. Sanaa noticed aswell and cringed, slowly taking the cup out of Sophie's hands.

"We can't just leave him," Sophie whispered, looking at Sanaa desperately. Sanaa sighed and looked at the now set sun, the sky turning gorgeous shades of blue, purple, and more.

"I will help in any way I can, but for now, you four should get some rest. Help me set up your camp, everyone." Sanaa said, stretching out her back and grabbing her cane, getting up from her seat. Everyone moved to Ricin, taking off camping supplies and handing them out. 

Keefe felt Sophie's emotions like a slap to the face and kept nervously glancing at her. She wasn't the fierce warrior they saw when they first met her again, it was a reminder that she was the same girl that was in the Lost Cities with them, she just had to grow up a little too fast.

It was a reminder that she had emotions and ideas that weren't based solely around beating the Neverseen. She was multiple things right now, but worry was the emotion Keefe felt the most from her. Keefe placed a hand on her armored shoulder, causing her to jump. She met Keefe's icy blue eyes and smiled, but it was a small smile that seemed all too fake.

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