8~ Hell breaks loose~

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Ricin soared down and blocked the oncoming fire with his wings, Sophie ducking down beneath his wings. Ricin moved his body, revealing Sophie unharmed, and walked towards Fintan, growling.

"What the hell?!" Fintan screeched, throwing more and more fire at Ricin. Ricin kept gowling and stalking towards Fintan, the fire not even making him flinch. Even with Fintans scarred face underneath the hood, you could hear the worry in his voice and on his face.

"Fireproof dragon, dumbass." Sophie rolled her eyes and turned her attention to Vespera, who was now vaulting down the hill at tops speeds, furiously speaking into her earpiece.

"Oh no, you don't! Ricin, take care of him!" Sophie yelled, running after Vespera pointing to Fintan. Ricin soared high above Fintan and released a hearty lightning attack, that made all the elves down at the festival finally notice what was happening in the mountains. 

Sophie followed Vespera down into the city, having trouble following her with all the in-depth turns through the town and the panicking people, who were too scared to truly even notice Sophie. Vespera made a right turn, and when Sophie turned with her, Vespera was gone.

"Son of a-" Sophie cursed as she pulled herself onto the rooftops and surveyed around for Vespera.

"Dove diavolo è andata?!" Where the hell did she go, Sophie cursed. Sophie broke through her Pancras form, going full out. Sophie blond hair turned snowy white, her nails turned into long claws, her brown eyes turning gold, and her canines turning into fangs. Sophie was immediately hit with the overwhelming Pancras senses, but Sophie heard for about four alleys down, an altercation.

"Move, and the girl dies." A voice whispered. Sophie silently flew on the rooftops, leaning down and observing, nearly falling off the roof when she saw who it was.

Vespera had the youngest Vacker child in her arms, a melder pressed into the little girl's head, with Biana and Fitz at a distance. Fitz and Biana looked worryingly at their little sister, who stayed deadly still in Vespera's clasp. Vespera was slowly backing up, bringing the little girl with her. Sophie and her assassins have mostly thwarted Vespera's plans, but she still wants to complete one part of the plan.

Taking the youngest Vacker child.

"Sofia, are you okay?" Fitz asked with a quiet voice.

"Sofia, they named her Sofia, after Sophie. After me." Sophie clenched the side of the rooftop, figuring out a plan in her panic.

"Fitz, I'm scared," Sofia whispered. Five more Neverseen members came up behind Vespera and took Sofia from her, still holding a melder to her head.

"Vespera, if you don't let her go right now-" Biana was cut off by Vespera's fake laughter.

"What are you going to do, huh? You are just some little Vanisher that thinks she can do something. It's cute when you think about it." Vespera taunted. Biana's eyes darkened, and she clenched her fists. Sophie dropped down from the roof and sunk her hidden blade into the chest of one of the Neverseen members. Sophie put down two more and behind the shadows and glared at Vespera. There is no way Sophie could attack Vespera without being seen or having Sofia get hurt. Vespera got onto a carriage they just pulled into the alleyway, dragging Sofia with her.

 Vespera got onto a carriage they just pulled into the alleyway, dragging Sofia with her

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