28~The Family has Come~

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Biana POV

Biana held onto Fitz, leaning on him to support her spiraling world. Sophie was standing right there, standing in the dusky sun and staring down the Elven council. Next to Biana, Linh fell to her knees, and everyone else was quiet, all of them shaking and making sure they weren't hallucinating. People gasped and stared at the presumed dead girl with open mouths. Sophie was almost 5'10 now, well-built muscles to her stomach and arms, her chin lifted high and fury in her eyes.

What happened to her over these years?

"Sophie?" Oralie whispered.

"Not the one you knew." Sophie seethed, not breaking eye contact with the Council. Biana and everyone else were too far behind the crowds for Sophie to notice them, but Biana started to sob. She had such power to her now, she wasn't the shy girl Biana knew three years ago. She grew a spine, and wasn't going to pushed around anywhere.

"Tell them, Emery!" Sophie roared, gesturing to the massive crowd gathered around them.

"Tell them the atrocities you committed!" Sophie snarled. Emery paled as Bronte walked up to him and stared at him in the face.

"What did you do?" Bronte snarled. Emery, Nolan, and Viela backed up from everyone. Emery nodded to the executioner, and the executioner dragged Sophie towards his ax, Sophie not even bothering to look at the weapon.

"Stop-" Biana whispered, but she heard cries coming from the left of her, people gasping and pointing to the rooftops. Lined all across the roofs were dark hooded figures, all of them with weapons pointed towards the executioner and the few guards on stage. Sophie smiled warmly at the figures, tears drying in her eyes.

"Who are they?" The Troll general roared, who was sitting next to the Council

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"Who are they?" The Troll general roared, who was sitting next to the Council.

"My family." Sophie laughed, her smile warm as her eyes glanced over the hooded figures. The troll general turned to Sophie and gestured to the executioner. The executioner tightened the hold on Sophie's rope and pushed her down onto her knees. Next to Biana, people started to cry and shuffle out of the way. Someone was shoving their way through the crowd, pushing people out of their way. Biana saw a dark blue hooded figure, the only thing that could be seen under his hood was a chiseled tan jaw and the flutter of black hair.

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