16~Tucked away Hideout~

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Fitz POV

"Is he going to be okay?" Biana asked Elwin. Everyone stood over Alden's bed, Elwin examining him.

"His brain is recovering; it looks like a memory wipe. And the way it was done, it looks to be a council issued memory wipe." Elwin said, his spectacles examing Alden's head.

"The Council wiped memories out of Alden's head? But why?" Tam asked.

"No idea, he is going to wake up soon, but we won't know until he tells us himself. If he wants to tell us that is." Elwin added.

What memories could Alden have that were so important?

What memories could Alden have that were so important?

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Sophie POV

Sophie laid all the rebels out on cots in their medical bay. Sophie wiped a thick goo into a woman's wounds, the rebel crying in the process. Ruy, Alexios, Maha, and Mansi among other assassins all walked in with medical supplies as well, taking care of other patients.

"No need to cry, the pain will go away soon," Sophie said quietly. The woman chuckled and smiled.

"I'm not crying from the pain darling..." The woman croaked out. Sophie held the cloth to her whipped wounds on her back, trying to keep in the blood.

"I'm crying because it's you." The woman continued. Sophie made sure the wound was clean and tried to thread the needle for stitching.

"You are just like him, you know, your father. You have his eyes, but you also have his determination and his fiery heart. I have been alive for hundreds of years now, and I have never been seen that much power in somebody. You have come home." The woman said. Sophie's hands started to shake, she couldn't put the thread through the needle eye properly. Maha walked over and grabbed the needle for her, threading it. Sophie just couldn't properly make the needle pierce the woman's skin.

"Go get some air, I'll lead things in here," Maha whispered, taking the needle from Sophie. Sophie got up and strode out of the room, making eye contact with Alexios. Sophie walked outside and slid down the outer wall of the guildhall, a shuddering breathe loosing in her throat.

"You okay?" Alexios asked from behind her. Sophie laughed and placed her head in her hands. Sophie heard a massive boom sound from the market place and didn't even flinch. Maria was still finishing up with Vincenzo, and gods above Maria wasn't holding back. Alexios looked worriedly when his mother was battling, but Sophie placed a hand on his arm.

"Let's go for a run. Just like when we were little." Sophie said. Both her and Alexios needed the distraction, so Alexios nodded and helped her off the ground.

"Where to?" Sophie asked, overlooking Inalia. Sophie pulled away the layers of her mortal form, revealing her fangs, claws, snowy white hair, and golden eyes.

Her Pancras form.

Alexios himself morphed into his Pancras form, his ocean blue eyes turning silvery, his fangs and claws growing large, and his light brown hair turning a tad brighter.

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